
Since the U.S helped it's allies win the World Wars, does this give us Americans the right to rule the world?

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Since the U.S helped it's allies win the World Wars, does this give us Americans the right to rule the world?




  1. We are considered the super power and you can't take that away. We don't rule the world but it always appears someone is asking us for help.If people are offended by the U.S. then they should leave!

  2. Hardly.

  3. We have no need to rule the world; World wide, people with the slightest bit of sense want to come here to America.  People die trying to come here to America, they throw themselves and their children on their backs onto boats barely able to remain afloat to come to America.  They cast their fates upon the cruel seas, risking death if they are caught trying to flee and risking death from the very forces of nature for a small brief chance of being free, to become one with us.  America doesn't need to rule the world, our mission should be to free the world and its peoples from oppression!

  4. yes it does!!!

  5. No, America can barley maintain its own country why should it have the right to mess up other countries.

  6. stupid ****

  7. No.  But the U.S. does have the right to at least own the moon by the international law of "finders keepers".

  8. Absolutely No You Can See The Condition Of US Control In Iraq & Afghanistan.Why Should US Rule The World?

  9. We are a proactive country.

    We aren't out to rule the world.

    If a conflict has the potential to hurt us, we step in.

    If a country has nothing to worry about, they should feel great about having the US watch out for them.

    I'm not going to criticize your question. I think that it's one that every objective American has thought about at one time or another.

    Why are we the only ones that fight for the world with such vigor?

    Why can't someone else do it for a change?

  10. Only to the extent that other countries ask for our military presence and foreign aid. If they don't want american influence, they should not accept US military presence and foreign aid.  

  11. Hmmm, funny, but we seem to have enough trouble running the U.S. right now.  What makes you think we "rule the world"?  Or are even attempting to do so?

    What really irks me the most about all these sorts of questions, is the unmitigated gall some folks have in their hypocrisy.

    The U.S. went into Somalia to try and settle things down, and provide relief to the starving masses.  Other nations screamed at us that we were interfering in a sovereign nation.  So we pulled back out, and now those VERY SAME PEOPLE are screaming at us for not doing something about Darfur.

    Do you want the U.S. to save the world?  Then stand back, sit down, shut up, and let us do it.  Do you want us to stay out of your world?  Then sit down, shut up, and let us get on with our business without you whining that the U.S. should "just do something!"  Make up your minds, you morons.

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