
Since the cost of living in California is so high. Do U think minimum wage should increase to $15/hr at least?

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Since the cost of living in California is so high. Do U think minimum wage should increase to $15/hr at least?




  1. Minimum wage is usally paid to those with no working skills or experience. Why would someone with little to no experience be entitled to $15 per hour?

    If the minumum wage was raised to $15 per hour you would see many small businesses close as this would destroy what little profit margin they have. Those that didn't go out of business would have to raise prices and pass the cost of the increased wages on to the consumer which would then make you $3.00 hamburger cost you closer to $6.00. So if you want to increase your cost of living and see unemployment skyrocket by all means lets raise the minumum wage.

  2. Yes!  I think they should be raised everywhere.  Especially, with gas prices skyrocketing.  I think it would be impossible to raise a family on minimum wage.

  3. Higher wages do not eliminate poverty. Give everyone a million dollars and that becomes the new bankruptcy level. All prices would escalate to consume the money quickly since no one would sell a hamburger (as one example) for $5 if everyone was walking around with $1M. In post WWII Germany, inflation resulted in people getting paid daily and then running to the store to spend it all since the next day the cost would be higher. They used wheelbarrows of money to buy a loaf of bread. On the flip side, this is the way supply side economics works. You can't single out one state and make it work. Americans are becoming a cheap labor pool; we make less than Europeans and Japanese. That's why they build cars here instead of importing them. Airbus is considering building planes here since the Euro is so strong and the dollar so weak. Sorry, I digress....

  4. I totally agree with brianthe.  Minimum wage is a cursed cycle that causes everything else to increase.  Simple economics shows that raising the minimum wage causes unemployment.  Having more people in the society that are not contributing would be worse then people struggling to make the cost of living.  Work force supply and work force demand will create an equilibrium for a wage.  Product supply and product demand will create an equilibrium for price.  You are already experiencing this in California.  The housing market is one very tangible example.  The problems arise when governments intervene and try to force prices or wages.  It makes it so an equilibrium can never be achieved.  Thus, creating more problems then they were attempting to solve.

  5. Ha! Talk about a vicious cycle! Raising the minimum wage will only INCREASE the cost of living even further!

    The problem with California is that you people have been hiring your government to act as thugs in the economy. That's why your cost of living is so high.

  6. Increasing the minimum wage again would drive employers looking to save money on wages to hire illegal aliens that they can pay much, much less, leaving more Californians unemployed than before and even more unable to afford the cost of living.

  7. alicia is right on. dont we ge it yet at least some one has been keeping watch.

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