
Since the excuse "inexperienced" is thrown around a lot, would it be possible for another black man that ?

by Guest64624  |  earlier

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Since the excuse "inexperienced" is thrown around a

lot, would it be possible for another black man that has

held a position in politics for a substantial amount

of time and is a war veteran to be president?

Or would other excuses be thrown around then


h**l,i keep hearing people go on and on about

John McCain as a POW but Bush never was one

so why does it matter now that it comes down to

it now?

This is all very suspect.




  1. People will criticize any presidential candidate.

    Yes, people praise McCain as a POW but they also criticize him for being too old and that when you vote for him, you're pretty much "voting" for his vice president. They also criticize McCain and his lack of knowledge on economics.

    People criticize Obama for his lack of experience but they also praise him for great speeches and speech writing.

  2. I would vote for Colin Powell in a heartbeat but wouldn't vote for Obama no matter what speech he gave. The only thing suspect is Obama, not his color.

  3. Heck, I'd vote for Condi Rice in a heartbeat.  How's that?  A black person AND a female!  

    Quite race baiting, it's very unbecoming and is creating racism.

  4. The experience arguement is BS, it is an excuse for those who don't want to vote for a Democrat, or a black person, or a woman, or whatever.  It is just an excuse and that is BS.

  5. A good candidate for President doesn't have to be a war veteran.  Most of our Presidents have not had military experience, it's not a requirement.

    I personally don't care about skin color when I'm deciding who to vote for.  I want someone who has integrity and will make good decisions, and take the country in a direction I agree with.  I'm sure there are a lot of really smart black kids who could grow up to be President.  That's probably the problem, they're too smart to go into politics in the first place!

  6. I think it is an excuse, and very suspect.  I think people use what ever excuse they can to further their purpose at that present time.

    It wasn't an issue when Pres. Bush was running so there was a different excuse.  now it is convenient to use it since Sen. Obama is running.  

    I think most of politics is c**p, and more time should be spent on the issues facing America, rather than tearing down the other man.

  7. I was all ready to WANT to back BO until his double talking, slippery tongued speeches that never told you anything of fact or substance.

    He kept the diction esoteric and not specific.

    I hate people who talk all around subjects but never say anything.

    It's not that BO is black that I am not voting for him. In fact his being black was a plus--it's the question:

    Is this the best the black people can find to run for president? Why doesn't a black person0male/female-run for president more often, and then this wouldn't be such a monumental feat. The reason is --black people don't run for public office.

    I don't know why, but black people hardly ever  run for the Senate or Supreme court positions. So of course, we're all surprised about a black person for president. But there is no reason the blacks couldn't have been going for the Big job every election.

    Why now? And why such a poorly qualified candidate?

  8. If experience wasn't an issue, Obama wouldn't have chosen a running mate who has been in Washington longer than most of his supporters have been alive.  He would have chosen, instead, chosen someone consistent with his farcical "change" message.

  9. The issue is not whether Obama is black or brown or blue.  The issue is that he is the most liberal politician in the Senate and will therefore move the United States more towards a Socialist state.  Obviously, he has little experience in politics, so that's definitely another strike against him.  Republicans have been betrayed by George W. Bush.  They certainly don't want to have the country taken over by Obama.

  10. I would never vote for Obama.  No experience coupled with leftist moron ideas.  Colin Powell I would vote for.

  11. Obama said himself last night He had NO record to run on. Read the transcript. I heard when he said it. I thought that's going to come back and bite him.

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