
Since the fetus is its own individual...?

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(all of their chromosomes are in a different arrangement than either of its parents) and for a lack of better words uses the womb as an incubator. When an incubator is unplugged or a premature infant is removed from an incubator and left to die it is murder. Any action with the intent to kill and results in the death of any individual being, whether it is a dependent infant or an independent adult is murder.

In easier to understand terms, the fact that the fetus is its own individual being, regardless of the fact that it is dependent on another individual for survival, mean it should be given rights?




  1. A frozen fertilized egg at some fertility clinic also has a different chromosome arrangement than it's parents, but no one doubts their right to choose not to give it life of to have it destroyed. It is not yet a fetus and a fetus is not yet a baby. Being a separate biological entity doesn't entitle it to all of the rights a baby has.

  2. If you don't poke a pro choicer then this should not become a problem for you should it.

    Legally, women have the right to terminate if they choose to and I think that is fantastic, not only for for the woman in question but also for the unwanted fetus. Too many unwanted kids brought into this world so lets not add to it by being emotional.

    It's ok to believe that abortion is wrong but they are not the ones who will be looking after the child for the next 21 years when they don't to.

  3. As long as I'm not paying I really don't care.

    Btw, I've seen the national adoption clinic financial #'s. It seems many of you spend more time running your mouths preaching morality in other's ears rather than actually getting out and putting your money where your mouth is to do your part to take care of all these non-aborted kids whom you are inspiring.

  4. nope.just because you have rights as an individual does not mean you have rights unless you know how to utilize and i both know that.not in this world

  5. A woman is not an incubator.  She is a human being.  What a fetus is is open to question. Being a separate being, if it is really that, does not qualify it as human.

  6. u have already answer ur question?

  7. Obviously, you are opposed to abortion.

    Don't have one.

    Cheers :-)

  8. No :-)

    My view is that 'humanity' begins when the foetus starts to have the beginnings of mental capacity in the form of regular electrical impulses in the brain. This is the same criteria that the medical community uses to establish brain death (absence of electrical activity in the brain).

  9. No more than the people we cast aside every day because they cant afford health care.  I want all the pro-lifers to go save a wasted life and look at the time it takes to bring one out of the cold.  Then tell me why your out there yelling at people who dont want to put someone out there.  PS Im adopted and could have been scraped out too.

  10. kinda...but i guess in a sense you could call it a the parents have say...even if it is something so kills me that this happens...and the only thing keeping me sane is the fact that we are all still animals

  11. No.

  12. A woman isn't a walking incubator. And in biology and legal views a fetus isn't an individual. It's a bundle of cells with a neutron just like a mole or sperm, yet you don't have a funeral everytime you jack you?

  13. First of all a fetus is NOT a life, at least in its early stages. But regardless if it is or it is not, I am 100 % for abortion at any stage even late term. Idiots who are always crying about how abortion equals killing need to use their rusty brains for a second and think about the future of that leech inside the womb. Your only goal is to "save" that life but you want nothing to do with after it's born as if giving life to that leech is the ultimate and only important thing. Well, if you people have an atom of functioning brain cells you'd know it's NOT life that matters but the quality of life that does. Millions and millions of fetuses are not aborted -unfortunately- and are born every day to parents who don't want them, don't deserve them, don't know how to take care of them, abuse them, neglect them,sell them, torture them, KILL them ....Millions of children die every year from malnutrition, starvation, PREVENTABLE diseases, wars .... Millions of kids live below poverty line even in the US and other developed countries, and millions scavange like wild dogs looking for a piece of bread to eat or a scrap of metal to sell. Millions of children are forced to work in sweat shops for pennies a day. Millions of children are rotting away in orphanages around the world BECAUSE their fcuking parents didn't want to have an abortion because it's a "crime" against a "defenseless" child, yet they had to give them away after they were born because they couldn't afford to take care of them. Ever heard of the infamous Romanian orphanages ? I could go on and on and on, but I know the pro-lifers are too dumb to see thru those tragedies that are committed against those children because their fcuking parents decieded to have them when they should NOT. Do you think a worthless w***e who's never had a job in her life should be allowed to have 7, 8 or 9 children ??? Do you think it's a crime to tie that fcuking bi*ch down and stump on her belly until that future criminal she's carrying is pushed out of her ??? Do you ever think or care about what future that child will have ?? Do you think a hungry child in Africa or India would regret it if he had been aborted, knowing that a life of utter misery, hunger, and extreme poverty was awaiting him ? I DON'T  think so. Half of those poor kids die anyway before they're 5. Did you know that ? Only they live 5 years of misery, suffering and hunger before they ultimately die. Do you ever think what would happen if every pregnant woman decided to carry her fetus to full term ??? Do you think about what that would do to the world ??? It is bad as it is with the current world population of which one third live below poverty line, do you think the world, especially the poor part of this miserable world can afford to sustain the number of unaborted children ??? You'd be stupid to say yes because you know very well that those countries can NOT even provide for their people at their current numbers let alone those extra children that would be born if it werent for the blessings of abortion. I could write a book on this but I don't want to waste more time since those who are pro-life don't have the brains to think anyways. Enough said. PRO ABORTION FOREVER. CHILDFREE FOREVER.

  14. I take it you are a lifer. No, it's not pretty. But decisions like this never are. But to give a fetus rights over the woman seems a little counter-productive.

    The fact of what happens after a child is born to a parent that doesn't want them is what bothers me. They usually aren't given up for adoption, and are abused. It's the whole trickle-down thing, with the child not having adequate care and the potential to be abused and killed by an abusive parent who didn't want them to begin with but were too selfish to give the kid up.

  15. What are you trying to say. Do we get a choice to actually want a life?

    Death takes us all. It does not matter when. Life is a terminal disease.

  16. There are a lot of circumstances where I would agree it's not right.  But I think if a woman didn't have a chance to understand what she was getting into and consent upfront, she hasn't created an obligation for herself to act as an incubator for 9 months.

    What if one day you got a knock on the door and two nurses were standing there with a confused guy in a wheelchair. The nurses say, "Hi!  We're from Shady Pines Old Folks home. We brought you an old folk!  You have to keep him in your house and feed him."  You say, "But I didn't volunteer to take an old folk.  We are very busy and don't really have room right now."  The nurses shrug and take off.  You call the police, but they don't seem to care.  Nobody is going to take the old folk off your hands.  Are you responsible for him?  I don't think so, because you don't know him and you didn't volunteer to take care of him.  It would be nice of you to take care of him, certainly, but I don't think you're personally obligated to keep him in your home and care for him.

  17. I agree but disagree. I am not an abortion fan but I have a friend who's life was in danger because of her pregnancy. They told her with her disease she couldn't get pregnant. Then when she got pregnant they told her the baby could kill her and that the baby wouldn't survive full term. That's when I draw the line from dreams to reality. If you're willing to give up your life for a baby who won't survive, then who's to say they baby has more right to live (which won't survive) over my friend? This ain't a political agenda. This is REAL LIFE. Once you understand her shoes and mine (I love her like a sister) then we can talk about rights. Everything isn't black or white.

  18. definitely, ya know fetuses that are 10 week old have dreams, they've recorded brain patterns of them, i think its really wrong especially after 16 week as that's when they are fully formed and just start to grow outwards

    EDIT: ben is the coolest here... I am wanting to adopt and foster and would be happy to take on any child no matter age, ethnicity, problems etc.

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