
Since the industrial revolution, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been?

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a. increasing

b. decreasing

c. staying the same

d. varying up and down.




  1. a. Increasing.

    Studies have shown that the carbon dioxide level has only increased since the industrial revolution- even though it happened mainly only in America, if one country's economy rises, or shoots up, as in the revolution, it brings the world up, kind of like the placebo effect. So, the use of technology, machinery, and forms of mechanical transportation caused the CO2 level to steadily rise. Actually, it shot up.

    Some scientists attribute global warming to a warm trend, which will quickly be followed by an ice age, but that is not necessarily true. The CO2 level was actually rather low until the Industrial Revolution began, so global warming from cars is not a scam. The greenhouse effect is causing global warming- the ozone layer is being broken apart, CO2 levels are dangerously rising. Do not think global warming is a scam! The greenhouse effect traps the heat because the sun's rays come in as short wavelength UV, and leave as long wavelength Infared Radiation, which cannot get past the atmosphere, trapping the heat in Earth and making our temperature rise.

    So your answer is A.

  2. The answer is a.  increasing

    Due to human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels and deforestation, the concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased by about 35% since the beginning of the age of industrialization.

  3. a.increasing

    The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased more in the northern hemisphere where more fossil fuel burning occurs. Since the Industrial Revolution the concentration globally has increased by 30%.

  4. It is A but all of the increase is not from humans.  There was an increasing trend anyway.

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