
Since the kids and family of candidates are fair game now?

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Wheres all the stories of Bidens son and brother??...why isn't the prostitute press investigating this??

A son and a brother of Sen. Joseph R. Biden Jr. (D-Del.) are accused in two lawsuits of defrauding a former business partner and an investor of millions of dollars in a hedge fund deal that went sour, court records show.




  1. Yes alot of bad things get swept under the carpet, look what the clintons did!!! white water, Ron Brown, etc.etc. Neil bush, and his savings and loan problem, never heard another thing about it!!! Sure is not fair to the rest of us, and now the Biden's Does this mean the Bidens are liars, and thieves!!! are they going to be made to pay the people back?!!!! And yes it is easier to attack a child! But you have to give them credit for keeping the baby and letting it live, How could anyone kill a baby, I do not understand some of the people of this country, and their choice mentality!! what about the choice of a baby!!!

    God Bless Our Nation! and let it heal!!!!! March on christian soldiers

  2. Edit: Here, Mate. This link will explain your question. It's too long to copy and paste it on YA:

    Who Vetted Obama? :

    It's easier because the Libs are running scared. Attack, and more attack...and they try and justify it. I wonder how they feel about their own people threatening to kidnap the delegates at the RNC? I am sure they're laughing. That is not the kind of government I want running the country. They're insane!

  3. Dude...that is amazing.  I wish that (since family is apparently now game) the media WOULD exploit that as much as Palin's daughter.  The only thing is that most media is liberal-controlled, so whether or not family became official game, the media would side with Biden and his family.

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