risk of getting cancer and the Nicotine part of tobacco products are attributed to addiction, not cancer, then the main culprit has to be tobacco. It is the common denominator in tobacco products that remains constant. Why has this product not been re-called? There is more than enough evidence and documentation that clearly states that this product is harmful, deadly and addictive. If tobacco were used in any other product, there would have been an instant recall. Why on earth is tobacco allowed to still be accessible, affordable, convenient, and accepted when it causes more death and destruction than all of the items the FDA and CPSC have re-callled combined? Does anyone know of a reason that tobacco should not fall under the stipulation set forth that trigger an instant re-call in some products? Is it because death is not within a couple of hours, days-weeks? I was not aware that re-calls only took place if a product caused harm or death withing a specified period of time