
Since the people are supposed to employ the government then why can't we give the government a pink slip?

by  |  earlier

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It seems only fair since none of us can afford to pay for it anymore. Something got to give. What do you think?




  1. Oh, we can, but even with a 9% approval rating, most incumbents will get reelected.

  2. Too late. The government has found a new employer - corporate interests - and we're along for the ride, having already been disarmed.

  3. We can, every Election Day.

    oo bad most of us feel we have no viable alternatives to vote for.

  4. A "pink slip" is given to an individual, so you'd only be able to give a pink slip to an individual within the government.

    Every few years (depending on the office), the people can "fire" a government official (unless it's a lifetime appointment, of course).

    Besides regularly scheduled elections, many or most positions are subject to recall petitions.  Plus, of course, if there is evidence of criminal activity, there are legal means to remove someone from office.

  5. We do.

    Every two years for Representatives, six years for Senators, and four for Presidents.

  6. Yes by making a currency designed by citizens placed for citizens as required. Also to finance small buisnesses and Electricity and Solar power plus an end to proliferation in books with titles  likeAn Idiot's Guide To Solar Power and bring in  a plain How To Series on Green Power.

    Above not personal insult just needs to be done. If question not malicious.

  7. we can !

    all it takes is a Majority

  8. the government has its own ideas of how the government should work. they've thought it all through as to how they will make it work out with the people and them.they feed us lies about how we are controling it but we arent. just had to say that.

  9. We can. But, we must give up TV long enough to do the job.

    The Republican Party has shown what they can country; it's up to us to replace them.

    The Dems may not be much better but they cannot be as bad, incompetent and money hungry as the Repugnants.

    We need to have a viable third party or we will never have a choice but for now...Republicans...out of office!

    The Dems are all we have.

  10. Go for it.  Don't vote for any incumbent candidates this Novemeber.

  11. When you consider who they are serving I think that they do pretty well !

  12. We have that opportunity every Nov. at election time.  Since people are too lazy or complacent to research the candidates we keep getting the same old party hacks.

    Just like when a US Senator is caught doing something wrong, the standard answer is "I didn't know it was unethical"  They are so out of touch with the working taxpayer it is a joke.

  13. Well, we do....we don't re-elect them......that's one helluva pink slip...

  14. Four Presidents won the popular vote but lost the presidency: Andrew Jackson won the popular vote but lost the election to John Quincy Adams (1824); Samuel J. Tilden won the popular vote but lost the election to Rutherford B. Hayes (1876); Grover Cleveland won the popular vote but lost the election to Benjamin Harrison (1888); Al Gore won the popular vote but lost the election to George W. Bush (2000).

    The electoral college employs at least the president! Other people (actually same people) employ most other political offices. If that doesn't work the courts can decide (Bush 2004).

    If the people employed the government I would assume that we could come up with better presidents (Bush for example of a BAD president) and better candidates Obama and McCain being examples of BAD candidates!

  15. It's called an election, honey.

    Look it up.

  16. Who would you hire in  it's place?

    The sheer size of the government and the complexity of all it does is why it has gotten so out of control.

    Something has to give, but we the people are the ones who have to give a hoot and become educated about government and be  responsible.

    Sadly, I think most nations get the government they deserve. That is a generalization, I know, but we want the government to do more and more for us and then they get more and more control over us and we gave it to them. I don't know how we should change it all either.

  17. It takes alot of $$ to run for any office - and big biz to provid the $$ - THEN - if you can circumvent that, you have to get down in the mud with the current pols who will lie, cheat and steal to get elected - these driven, aggressive, power monsters will eat any decent person alive... why would a good person run for office? the failure is systemic and deep.

    These large mortgage cos. gave $200 million in pol donations so that they can skirt the rules of biz and logic - with no regard for our citizens - personally, I can't stop them. All I can do is turn off the tv news and go to the beach... see you there - at least I can get some personal peace in this so sad situation of greed..

  18. We can.  It's just not necessarily easy.  There is the option to vote them out, which has already been mentioned.  There are also other ways to remove them, such as impeachment.  Being ousted from office leaves quite a nasty burn, so I'm told.  Don't forget that there are plenty of government people which can actually be fired or otherwise relieved of their position, too.  Even appointed people can lose their job.

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