
Since the price of gas is now (and has been) so high, why can't the government put more buses on the streets?

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Even if a city bus costs $100-$125k, the suburbs are the towns which need to add bus service. Most people who live and work already drive buses. But out in the suburbs you are stuck driving your car everywhere. Even to a grocery store, the way towns are built, there are few sidewalks in which to walk. If the U.S. wants to conserve fuel why aren't they just doing simple things like adding the buses. (Yes i know buses add to the air pollution, but that's a price many of us would give up in an effort to lower the price of gas. By doing this temporarily (until prices come down) the effect is no different than someone who blows a cigar puff into the clean air - it will dissipate and return to normal in short time. More buses, more public transportation NOW!! Maybe install some of those airport flat elevator walkways to zip people around too.




  1. I hear you man, but the problem is getting spoiled Americas to use mass transit.....can you see some soccer mom in the 'burbs taking the Metro to a game???? She would just gag!!!!

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