
Since the question of global warming is resolved in the physical sciences, should the focus of future research

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shift to the social sciences? The Australian Psychological Society has considered the question.

The mechanisms of denial are further explored here:

Is it ethical to conduct psychological experiments on deniers? For example, is a tracer experiment using fake papers that propose physically incorrect explanations for AGW an ethical means to follow the diffusion of misinformation? Would a count of web links be a good measure of the fake paper's spread? Has the experiment already been performed?




  1. Just give everybody happy pills...right. H_ll social reform only works for those that control it.The do as I say, but not as I do philosophy.Behavior control works great on animals,very little success with people who have minds. You might have more success with those who are paranoid. They seem to follow each other. Lemmings and sheep will jump off a cliff in tandem....hmmm maybe you are on to something?

  2. The founder of the Weather Channel wants to sue Al Gore for fraud, hoping a legal debate will settle the global-warming debate once and for all.

    John Coleman, who founded the cable network in 1982, suggests suing for fraud proponents of global warming, including Al Gore, and companies that sell carbon credits.

    "Is he committing financial fraud? That is the question," Coleman said.

    "Since we can't get a debate, I thought perhaps if we had a legal challenge and went into a court of law, where it was our scientists and their scientists, and all the legal proceedings with the discovery and all their documents from both sides and scientific testimony from both sides, we could finally get a good solid debate on the issue," Coleman said. "I'm confident that the advocates of 'no significant effect from carbon dioxide' would win the case.

  3. "Scientists" did not deny the world was round 600 years ago.  2000 years ago Eratosthenes measured the diameter of the world.  From then on, there was a strong scientific consensus that the world was round.

    It was ignorant "skeptics" who ignored the data and science, who said the world was flat.

    It's the same with global warming today.

  4. Go to this link:

    And download the documentary called "The Great Global Warming Swindle"

    Then get the propaganda follow up called PROOF THAT 'THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING SWINDLE' WAS A SCAM.

    Do some research into these topics:

    The year without a summer

    The Little Ice Age

    Global Dimming

    Super Volcanoes

    When you look at the FACTS... FACTS AND ONLY FACTS... you will see that Global Warming is nothing but a cult being used to manipulate the small minded and perpetuate the adgendas of anti-advancement and anti-globalism political groups.

    Nothing more.

  5. Hmmmm....this would call for a special area to isolate subjects to study under controlled conditions....a concentration area, or camp, if you will.  Camp is fun, right?

    The question is:  Now that AGW has been proven false by the physical evidence, how do we safely approach the deniers of natural climate change?  They're as much a danger to themselves as they are to others.

    Edit:  How would we feed them?  I don't see any difference between this controlled experiment and other tests performed on laboratory animals.  As long as there's plenty of Kool-aid, they'll be fine.

  6. Resolved? Only in the hopes of the True Believers.

    So please explain to me how the Viking settlements got to Newfoundland if the Northwest Passage didn't open up for them?????

    BTW, the 'Flat Earth' wasn't what most people assume.

                The myth of the Flat Earth concept

    Over the centuries there have been men who taught a flat earth, notably Lactantius (AD 245-325) and Cosmas Indicopleustes (AD Sixth Century). But these men were discredited by their peers in their own times. This idea, which has become so much a part of American history textbooks, that Columbus was warned that he would fall off the edge of the earth if he sailed west is the invention of an American author of fiction - Washington Irving (1783-1859). Yes, the story of the flat earth and Columbus is the work of the author of the Sketch Book (1820), which included his stories of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (The Headless Horseman) and Rip Van Winkle.

    In 1834, Antoine-Jean Letronne (1787-1848), produced a more scholarly work attempting to tie the belief in a flat earth with the early church fathers, Revue des Deux Mondes. He was educated in the teachings of Mentelle and Voltaire. In 1798, he wrote a book claiming that Jesus Christ was an imposter. In Revue he wrote that the flat earth was the majority view of the early Christian writers. His statements were untrue, but liberal scholars have quoted him for almost two centuries. Between Irving and Letronne the flat earth myth became a "well-known fact."

    Two more men have served to popularize this myth. In 1874, John W. Draper wrote an antichurch diatribe entitled History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science. In 1865, Andrew D. White became cofounder of the first explicitly secular university in the U. S., Cornell University. In 1897, he wrote History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom. Both men were attempting to discredit creationists in the battle over origins. J. B. Russell wrote Inventing the Flat Earth: Columbus and Modern Historians, 1991. He is no creationist, but he thoroughly documents how the invention of the flat earth was a direct attack against God, the history of the Church and truth in general by secular humanists  who were attempting to defend the idea of Christian ignorance versus "enlightened" rationalists (evolutionists).

    Obviously, their work is being continued on this forum.

  7. Global Warming has not been proven.  Anyone who takes all the information and is not being paid by those wanting it to be real find it is a hoax and a scam fostered on fools.

  8. Only morons thought the earth was flat within the last thousand years.    The egyptians knew to within a couple miles how far it was around.    So did the europeans.    They (some of them)  just didn't know about a continent in the way.   Columbus would have failed on his journey if he'd had to sail all the way to china without any land inbetween.    That would have been proof to some of the morons back in europe that the earth was indeed flat and they sailed off the edge.

      People here are afraid of change and taking responsibility for their actions.    As long as they are allwed to continue their present lifestyles at the cost of others they will.

  9. That would make an interesting study.  Simply send a completely bogus paper by some unknown imaginary scientist in Transylvania to Rush Limbaugh and see how it gets repeated.

    Interestingly enough, I was part of the sane fact-based side during the Y2K debate of the late 90's, arguing with the conspiracy theorists (they didn't trust the governments statements about Y2K being under control and they wouldn't believe actual computer scientists, like myself, then either).  Many of the discussions I participated in on newsgroups were actually used for someone's Doctoral Thesis.  I found several quotes of what I wrote in the thesis.  It was very interesting.

  10. Same could have been asked 600 years ago about scientists then.

    Was the world flat or round?

    Scientists then insisted the world was flat.

    Maybe psychological experiments should have been done on the deniers of that scientific truth.

    I do think that the world is getting warmer... since long before  fossil fuels were being used as they are today.

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