
Since the world is round why does water not leak of the bottom of the earth?

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how does the water stay on earth with out it dropping of, because the earth is round so i would think thet some of the water would fall of. the earth is round but the water stays on like it's flat. How is that possible?




  1. the antarctic icecap (at the south pole) is kind of a plug-in-the-tub and it keeps the water from falling away.

  2. For the same reason that Australians don't fall off and into the stars below.

  3. The gravity.

  4. the outer space holds it in becouse of no gravity!

  5. Gravity pulls everything towards its center. There is no "bottom" of the earth.


  6. The earth doesn't have a "bottom"; the force of gravity attracts everything toward the center of the earth.

  7. Water on the earth isn;t flat - but the earth is big enough that the radius of curvature is large so hard to perceive the curving of the surface. But try watching a ship on the horizon and see which bit disappears last - that should convince you of the curvature.

    And to answer your question - as has already been state - gravity acts towards the centre of the earth - so wherever you are, "down" is towards the center of the Earth and "up" is the opposite direction. The same applies to the water. From the south pole's perspective, down is the opposite direction to that at the north pole - but in both cases it is towards the center of the earth

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