
Since there's not really any proof of god, did man just plain make it up?

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There isn't too much proof of god, so did man just make it up as he went along?




  1. When you haven't seen yourself outside of the box, you will never know you are actually in the box.

    Speaking of blind person, David, trying to prove God exist to you will be like trying to describe a rainbow to a blind man.

  2. You can make up *religions, but you can't make up *God.

  3. There's proof of God in everything. none of this would be here if not for Him.

  4. In regards to a moral society, a man once stated...

    "If there were not a God, Man would have to create one"

    There's a philosophical dilemma for ya.........

  5. pretty much

    back in the bronze age goat herders would get bored easily, so what else was there to do?

  6. Satan encourages you to question things...

  7. No, God was taught to humans by leprechauns.

  8. There are Near Death Experience (NDE) accounts telling that there is an afterlife. Type NDE on youtube or google etc...

    Here is an account of Ian McCormack who said he saw Jesus ( it is a bit long because the video is retracing his account but it is very interesting ! )

  9. God has revealed Himself through His creation. Only those with eyes to see can see this and it can be granted them if they so desire. The choice is yours.  

  10. Duh...

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