
Since there is a "Global Warming" category on Y!A, where is the "Fairy-Tale" category?

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Since there is a "Global Warming" category on Y!A, where is the "Fairy-Tale" category?




  1. Well.. the "fairy tale" category is under religion & spirituality..

    But I believe the category you are actually looking for is "dumb *** republicans" under politics and government.

    They like to talk about "global warming"  there too. Us environmentalists actually talk about "global climate change". Maybe if you turned on your "picture box" you would know that the term has been modified and changed as we now know more about it.  

    But, thanks for asking!!

  2. Isn't that the same category? It reads the same.

  3. this is hilarious...the only comments on the "global warming" section are us folks who have known all along that it was a political hoax!! the "believers" have all jumped ship and abandoned algore and his nobel peace prize...classic...

  4. the fact that global climate change is real is not a fairy tale. the fact that global climate change is man made, now THAT is a fairy tale. nature will take its course regardless of what man does.

  5. Aren't you going to have pie on your face when Florida is under water.

    Rather than believe goofballs like Bill O'Riley or Rush Limbaugh, I think I will trust the advice of people who are educated in the matter--like the thousands of scientists who say global warming is real and is accelerating faster than they had originally predicted, AND is partially caused by humans.  

    Check out the credentials of ANY of the pseudo scientists who claim otherwise.....see who is bankrolling them; oil companies.

    "We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth... For my part, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst; and to provide for it." - Patrick Henry

  6. its called # Religion & Spirituality

    under society and culture

  7. ooooooOOO.......your sure gonna roast!!

  8. Track Algore down and ask him!

  9. You found it. There are a lot of spaced out ideas here on man causing the climate to change. Almost laughable if it were not so idiotic.

  10. actually fairy tales are a valuable remnant of the pre-printing oral tradition.

  11. It's no fairy-tale.  It's actually happening and all you have to do to find that out is to read some scientific literature on the subject. You can't trust personal blogs or popular books by people that aren't even climate scientists. And you definitely can't trust talk-radio to get accurate science information. You have to see what actual scientists say to separate the good from the bad.

    Here's some good links that can answer some of your basic questions:

    NASA Global Warming Q&A:

    The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Global Warming FAQs

    Department of Geology and Geophysics at Yale Global Warming FAQ

    NOAA Global Warming FAQ

    The Discovery of Global Warming (great history site)

    The 2008 National Academy of Sciences Summary Brochure on Climate Change

    The Scientific Basis for Anthropogenic Climate Change

  12. Its in your kids shelf

  13. Nah, Federalist, it's just you guys show up on the weekends and spam the heck out of the place.  I had always assumed it was because Middle Schools weren't in session.

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