
Since there is no evidence of life before 3.5 billions years ago, how can we be sure it was there?

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Is this an example of faith?




  1. faith has everything to do with it, until one day science might prove it or disprove it.

  2. Science by definition means collecting and analyzing the available data, to reach conclusions, explain the workings of the universe. Obviously that can not be done in a vacuum and you can not just assume or presuppose - as it is not based on logical facts to back it up.

    So the science approaches the understanding of the universe, where conclusions are based on facts. 'Science/evidence' and 'faith' are oxymoron. These two terms completely contradict each other in the approach taken. Science simply does not rely on faith - full stop!  :-)

    Now just b/c we don't have evidence or facts available to reach conclusions and help us understand the workings of the universe, does not mean it can simply be pushed aside by calling it faith. We don't understand, or we don't have the facts, or further research is required, or we can not approve or disapprove our hypothesis.

    That does not mean hypothesis was constructed purely through faith. The hypothesis was constructed using the available facts, what understanding do we have of the processes that took place, in the time period we don't have any understanding of. In other words we form hypothesis using the current data and understanding, that doesn't necessarily mean they might turn out to be correct . . . but that conclusion will be made using the available facts, as more and more data is acquired.

    Think of it as a jigsaw, now we have some idea of what the picture is going to be like, but we don't have the necessary pieces to complete the jigsaw. Faith requires believe, faith requires trust.

    Evidence is NOT a must.

  3. The universe is older and larger in light years.

    I wouldn't say faith, I would say lack of technology to gather evidence. However in due time we will have it.    

  4. if there is no evidence we can't. if science believes there was, it's because there is evidence.  

  5. Concentrations of Carbon-13 have been used as evidence for the existance of life as early as 4.25 billion years ago.

    There are likewise byproducts of metabolism that arise much more from living processes than by chemical ones... these suggest that microorganisms with a modern metabolism could be as old as 3.45 billion years.

    Certain other insoluble organic material provide pretty good proof of the existance of some kind of life at 3.52 billion years.  Sediment mats likely caused by living organisms can be seen at 3.48 billion years.

    And unless those guys spontaneously arose, more primitive forms would have to occur before that point.

    To say there's NO evidence is a bit disingenuous.  It's certainly not dead-bang stuff.  But living things leave traces and signs, many of which we can find.  Hope that helps!

  6. life is a reflection of life.  All energy is simply transformed from one source to another so, there had to be life prior to our fossil record of it in order for life to start in a biological sense.

  7. fancier.rmv4,

    who says life had to exist before before 3.5 billion years ago?  I personally think life has existed in some form probably for as long as the universe has existed, but I couldn't begin to offer any proof.  Not so much based on any faith as figuring that time probably has no beginning and no end.  A universe, to my way of thinking, is infinite and must therefore contain an infinet number of things and possibilities.  There is no beginning and no end.  The numbers attached to most everything in our solid state of mind are probably too mind-boggling to even allow us to comprehend them.


  8. At this point in time things get magical (whether you are speaking religiously or scientifically).    Something to do with HogWarts.

  9. the real answer is the world is only old 5768 year's

  10. same goes for oxygen; there is no evidence. at least none we can see. but we know it there through testing. we also know life had to exist 3.5 billion years ago for it to exist now. i think reason is more the cause of our belief, not faith. but good point.

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