
Since there is so much corruption in this world?

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I am a new convert and am reading the Koran right now. I know there is a lot of corruption regarding Islam (different sects and such). Is it ok to let only Allah guide me instead of trying to find an Imam that may or may not be "wrong?" It is soooo easy to get confused when first starting out.




  1. read the Quran and the Hadith of the Holy Prophet and the TRUE history of Islam and u shall find the path on your own

  2. A great question.

    In this matter, my dear sister, Allah guides us. In the Quran, it is stated: "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger (P.B.U.H)".

    In another place:"Ask the knowledgeable ones, if u don't know"

    So, these are our sources of guidance.

    1) Obey Allah:

    By reading the Quran, and acting upon it's orders, u obey Allah. U know what He wants, and considers right or wrong. This is ur source of guidance and enlightning.

    2) Obey the Messenger (P.B.U.H):

    To obey Muhammad (P.B.U.H), we need to look at His Sunnah. His ways. The Sunnah, accoding to the majority of scholars constitutes

    i) what Muhammad (P.B.U.H) did

    ii) what Muhammad (P.B.U.H)said

    iii)what Muhammad (P.B.U.H)  silently approved of

    To find His Sunnahs, u study the hadiths. U discover the various situations He (P.B.U.H) faced, and how He (P.B.U.H) faced them. What He (P.B.U.H) said about various things.

    This is a source of enlightning without which u can't follow Islam. For example, the Quran tells u to pray, but it doesn't tell us how to pray. U discover that in the hadiths.

    There are many issues which are impossible to understand without the hadiths. There are people who deny the hadiths, but they can't even explain to u how u should pray from the ayahs of the Quran. They just play the guessing game, which leads to changing Allah's religion.

    3) If u don't understand anything from the Quran or Sunnah, or can't find out what Allah wants us to do in a certain matter, consult a knowledgeable scholar. This scholar should explain the 'how and why' to u about his answer. Ask him/her about his/her source. If he/she is giving u something based on the Quran and authentic Hadiths, take it. If it goes against an Islamic order, toss it into the bin.

    The best thing is to ask a couple of scholars if u have a problem. That will make it easier for u. Go for the one who proves his/her point in the light of the Quran and Sunnah the most.

    Keep praying to Allah. May He guide u in ur quest for the guidance. (Ameen)

  3. The most right thing to do.

  4. Yes, its amazingly difficult to sort out anything when all the authorities are in constant disagreement.

    You have the right of it, stay with  the Qur'an!

    I started coming to the masjid eight years ago, and on the strength of the Qur'an I believed what the people there would teach me. But the more I learned, and they were impressed with  how much I was learning and how quickly, it was always wrong, because some text disagreed with some other text. Some imam had issued a ruling against some other imam. And NONE of them had answers for what I was asking.

    There is no end to the rules the people will lock up their lives with as soon as they start adding to the Qur'an and they will, all the while, say how easy it is. There are plenty people making Islam impossible and unreachable. It was not the case with the Prophet's followers.

    No one can live up to that. Do not tax yourself! It'll cost you later. The Qur'an is easy. Its clear and pure and sensible. Beyond, that, judge everything strictly. And use the Qur'an as your criterion for what you will accept.

    Hadith does NOT equal Sunnah. Muhammad's sunnah did not include torture and marrying babies. The Qur'an commands to follow the Messenger. He followed Qur'an.

    Edit: Someone in here called SJS left this answer for another question, I liked it a lot. Hit the nail on the head...Don't take this one personally, it was for someone else's question.

    "You need to quit believing others when they tell you the only choice you have is to believe in invisible men, and instead come to terms with who you are and what your place in the universe is yourself. If that manifests with a need to believe in an organized religion, go for it, but first evaluate the holy writings of that religion for yourself. It may turn out that you will be perfectly content being Christian at home, by yourself, reading the Bible and living by it (or being Muslim at home, by yourself, reading the Koran and living by it), rather than subjecting yourself to some preacher's interpretation of the writings every week, and pressure you to bow to their bidding instead of following your heart and your own reasoned choices.

    So, set aside the saved thing; do some soul searching, find out what you want and what you need; read holy texts and such extensively, from any religion you come across, and evaluate them and how well their teachings resonate with you carefully. Do not listen to those who would quote one line out of a thousand-page volume to try to tell you anything; all things have context, so go to the context, and read it for yourself. Just like reporters like to take bits out of context to make it sound like the person they interviewed said something completely different, so too do religious zealots like to pick and choose which blurbs to share with you to make their point, whilst ignoring the blurbs that go against their point. Read the whole thing and make your own conclusions, rather than relying on excerpts."

  5. Welcome to Islam sis! The biggest family in the world mashaAllah. Of course only pray to Allah to guide you and your family and our ummah and to keep you on the right path. You can't do it alone though. Be careful because not everyone is a practicing muslim some follow more culture then Islam, but there are so many good brothers and sisters out there that can help you if you have a question. If you have a question it's always good to get an answer from a scholar or imam. Now is a great website and you can send them a question as well and it is answered by scholars. Also if you have Pal Talk Islam Answers Back is a great room especially for reverts many people accepted Islam in that room so you have many people that share your experience plus many knowledgeable brothers and sisters to help you inshaAllah. By the way this website offers free material to read and it's an online university by Bilal Philips who is a scholar mashaAllah so that might be of hellp to you as well inshaAllah.

  6. Just be a Sunni.

    Muslims are Sunnis

  7. YES of coursseee.

    Salams sister. First off, may Allah bless you and keep you on the right track.

    And I understand that sometimes Imams are wrong sometimes, so for now, since you just got into Islam, stick to the Quran and let Allah guide you. Once your ready Inshallah, allow yourself to listen to others, but not do whatever they say. One good thing is to hear what an Imam has to say, then look into it yourself. Look into verses of the Quran, hadith, or anything like that.

    Ramadan Karim by the way, and salams

    Fee Eeman Allah

  8. sister that is soo true especially when you cannot know for sure what the imam is saying, but sometimes an imam has had more knowledge and more background in some stuff especially the stuff not done everyday, such as funeral and inheritance things. sometimes it is even worse to start out on your own because the internet is very false and if you are searching for things it may come out completley false written by a nonmuslim or an unknowledge muslim

  9. 1st of all, "Qur'an" not "Koran".

  10. The Tafsir Of Ibn Kathir is the most widely used explaination of the meaning  of the Quran, the best Quran translation is the one that does not translate  words that cannot be translated into english

    The Quran contians no contridictions it must be read in the order of "revelation " to understand Islam.Newer verses replace older verses .This concept is called abrogation

    An example of the abrogation: there are 124 versus that call for tolerance and patience which have been canceled and replaced by this one single verse: "Fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war)....." Surah 9:5

    9.5. Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islâmic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikûn (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and prepare for them each and every ambush. But if they repent and perform As-Salât (Iqâmat-as-Salât), and give Zakât, then leave their way free. Verily, Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

    Quran, there are only 43 Surahs that were not affected by this concept.

    This doctrine is based on the Quran, where Allah allegedly says in Surah 2:106, "None of Our revelations do We abrogate or cause to be forgotten, but We substitute something better or similar: Knowest thou not that Allah Hath power over all things?" Also, in Surah 16:101 "When We substitute one revelation for another, and Allah knows best what He reveals (in stages), they say, "Thou art but a forger": but most of them understand not."

    The Abrogator and the Abrogated

    In their attempt to polish Islam's image, Muslim activists usually quote the Meccan passages of the Quran that call for love, peace and patience. The deliberately hid the Medenan passages that call for killing, decapitating, and maiming.

    Muslim activists also fail to reveal to people in the West a major doctrine in Islam called "al-Nasikh wal-Mansoukh" (the Abrogator and the Abrogated). This simply means that when a recent verse in the Quran gives a contradictory view to another verse that preceded it (chronologically), the recent verse abrogates (cancels and replaces) the old verse and renders it null and void.

  11. First of all, a big hearty congratulations on your convertion. I wish you the best of luck with it!!! :)

    The Qur'an and the sunnah are enough to guide you. You're right about the corruption, and you'll get even more confused if you go to Imams, because they'll start explaining stuff you're not ready to listen. Nowadays everyone's making their own Islam and you never know which one's right. I highly recommend you follow the Qur'an because it's from Allah and well, it's 100% correct and pure. :)

    Easily available too.

    (I feel like I'm in an advert now)

  12. Well first you should read the whole Quran and see what it is saying. Then you may ask questions to a scholar. But don't their word for the explanation, always make sure that what they say is inline with the Quran.

    In Islam you it is not required to be associated with a mosque or an Imam in order to practice the religion.  

  13. Yes u can pray to God to guide u .

    But  u  also need to talk to some reliable people in the mosques

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