
Since trees are alive do they love? (asked by my 4 year old)?

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I find it very interesting that some have assumed the gender of my child...In fact, "he" is a SHE. A very sweet 4 year old girl.




  1. why not???!!

  2. I'm not sure whether they have such an emotion as love but they must be able to feel certain things because they are alive and growing, therefore they probably feel pain if someone tried to hurt/cut them, however, as they cant speak we will probably never know the real answer...

  3. It is not love the way we humans mean it.

    Latest experiments have shown that plants "recognize" smells, even the care people offer.  I can't explain it thoroughly since I barely remember the article I had read about it.  But I remember, when I was a kid, we had a pine tree in our garden. One day, I was engraving something on the trunk of the pine tree.  My mother came and told me not to do that because the tree is hurt.  The next day, she took me to the pine tree and showed me the resin than had come out of the engraving I had made.  She said " See?? The tree got hurt and shed tears.  These are its tears you see..."  I loved this explanation and I learned to love all Nature.

  4. Trees are born of love. They continue to dwell within it, doing it's service, but cannot create, or recieve love.

  5. i guess ~ cute question from your 4 year old

  6. We can learn a lot from our four year olds, no doubt!

    If tp live is to love, then by all means, When you think about it, the act of living itself is a testament to love. Trees, as they say, Filter the air and recycle it so that other forms of life, both flora and fauna can live better lives. I'd say that, that alone is an act of love.

  7. I suppose they do but would find it hard to show affection

  8. Yep given the chance to reproduce is their way of saying lets have s*x so they drop their seed for new species to emerge into life.

  9. I dont know. But it is such a lovely question! Im gonna be thinking about it all day!!

    The first answer is completly right. Is the most selfless love there is. Giving us the air we breath.

  10. I truly believe trees and any plants have the ability to love.  If one neglects them, especially house plants, then they will die.  Think about people who are forgotten or neglected, they eventually die.  Plants need love and attention just as any other living organism.  

    The beauty of it all is the plants give love in return.  Nature offers all who can breathe oxygen.  We come from nature and we are part of the trees.

    Your son asked you this question because he probably already knew the answer.

  11. Your 4 year old is very intelligent. I believe every living thing has some sort of feeling, and trees are no exception. And although I'm not sure it's love, I'm almost positive there is some sort of emotion that trees have.

    Because, as your little one said, trees are alive.

  12. They love by growing tall, and covering you with shade.And giving you all them golden leaves in the fall. <}:-})



    (") (")


  13. No, they don't love.  They don't have feeling or emotions.

  14. It depends what you mean by love. Some trees (beeches for instance) poison other trees to make the forest safe for their own kind. They all need their kind near enough for reproduction. So they have, in one way, an affinity and you might christen this 'love'.

    On the other hand, for most of us loving is what we do with our brain: our thoughts and feelings. Trees have no brain. As far as we know, they don't even know they are alive themselves. No brain, no thoughts, therefore no emotions.

    A bright 4-y-o. Give him my respects.

  15. Love is relative.

    They sure do like to spread their seed though.

    Also, they are charitable that is, they provide homes for animals both while they're alive and while they're decomposing.

    A tree is kind of like a stationary human. Of course, without technology.

  16. They are more sensitive than us,but we are not sensitive enough

    to know their feelings.

  17. Perhaps trees love as they breath the air they need and produce oxygen for the other life forms on the planet.

    Perhaps they love and take joy in feeling the rain as it sinks into the earth and their roots drink it in.

    Perhaps they love as the wind allows them to dance with the very joy of being just what they are and just what they should be as part of the marvelous cosmos we are all a part of.

    Perhaps they love as they provide a place for the birds and squirrels to build their nest.

    Perhaps they love as they await the return of spring and anticipate their cloaks of green hues.

    Perhaps they love as their spring and summer wear becomes of robe of many colors in preparation for a long winters nap.

    If love is caring for and providing for others, even or especially when those others are different from ones self, then, yes, trees, throughout their long lives, love and love dearly.

    Blessing upon my four year old friend.  May you be well and may you reach the highest level of enlightenment to which you may attain in this present life time.

  18. yes.

    by giving us good air to breath, providing a nestplace for birds and preventing errosion.

    talk to them sometime and wait to see if they will move their twigs' leaves to a swaying motion.

  19. If you enter a forest with an axe and the intention to harm a tree, it has been scientifically proven that the trees know your intention.  Unfortunately there is not a lot they can do about it, one day maybe they will evolve the ability of self-protection.  

    I don't suppose they feel much love for the human race en masse, but a true uncorrupted spirit like that of an innocent child, I think they would love if they are capable of love.

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