
Since we are having so much trouble with religious fundamentalists and extremists in the middle east, why in ?

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the heck would we want a couple of religious fundamentalists in the White House--again? Seems to me we'll be forever moping up the blood from the Bush and Cheney, etc. fiasco, without inviting more death and expense perpetuated by the Republican camp. Or is Christian fundamentalism more palatable to the American public than Muslim fundamentalism is? Do we really want more of the same, with the added possibility of Roe vs. Wade being struck down due to Palin's influence? I await your erudite and well thought out answers.




  1. Ummm...let's see.  How does go about answering such a ridiculous question.  Please tell me where in the Bible that I, for one, attempt to follow to the letter, does it tell me to go and kill those who blaspheme my Lord and Savior ?

    As to Roe v. Wade being struck down, please stop repeating the same ol' liberal lies.  Striking down Roe v. Wade - which won't happen - will only mean that it will be left up to the States to determine whether to outlaw abortion.  A large majority of States will still keep abortion legal to some degree or another...with states like New York and California undoubtedly leaving abortion legal in all instances.  Gee, a novel idea -- let our elected representatives who represent the people actually make the determination as to what is legal or not!!

  2. In less than a week, she's turned the Republican Party into a primetime version of Jerry Springer.

    Unwed pregnant teens!  Corruption!  DWI!  Oh, and the "requesting more pork per capita than any state" thing.  It's a plot that has everything...(but ethics).

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