
Since we have separation of church and state in this country, Why are we having Evangelical forms and debates?

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When do Atheists get to have a forum about the real issues facing this country?




  1. Because religion has become such a heated topic in this election. The candidate (yes, just one) had no choice but to address his religious beliefs at this point. It didn't matter though, because people are still going to believe what they want to believe. It's unfortunate, but it's true.

  2. Because ever since WW2 there has been a move by many Religious Leaders to make it seem as if people are less Patriotic,or less American if they are not "Believers" Of course they also love to spout things like,"there is no separation of Church and State in the Constitution",of course ignoring the fact that the idea that the Establishment Clause was intended to create a "Wall of Separation between the Church and the State" was in fact put forth by Thomas Jefferson. So the question is,if Thomas Jefferson thought the Constitution created a Separation of Church and State,why do they deny the fact?

    But ever since we were founded as a Nation,and especially since WW2,Christians have been trying to force us into becoming a Theocracy,thankfully they fail most of the time.Though they get the occasional victory,like putting "In God We Trust"on our currency,or adding "Under God" to the Pledge.Both Unconstitutional Acts,but thankfully only minor Victories for the Theocrats.


  3. there is no mention of separation between church and state in the constitution

  4. I for one, was glad they had this form of "debate".  I heard answers from both sides without, mind you, excuses and back hitting on the opponent for either side.  The questions asked were good in that they showed the beliefs and character of each candidate.  I feel strongly that it would behoove us to have more such "debates", along with the usual back and forth bickering debates (however that gets very old quick, and no real answers seem to be given on that type of debate)

  5. Because the moral degenerate Christians in this country bully and intimidate everyone to get their way.  These scum who think they have the right to meddle in politics are exactly like the corrupt Pharisses of Jesus time who got Jerusalem destoryed.

  6. "The real issues" are out there for everyone to discuss. It doesn't matter if you have a faith or have no belief. Just talk. I think that people will listen if you present yourself in a way that isn't an attack. We are all concerned about many of the same issues you are.  

  7. The phrase "separation of church and state" is never used in the Constitution.

  8. 90% of Americans believe in some type of spirituality.

    Atheism is a cult religion in itself.

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