
Since we might change the speed limit to 55mph, should we have our airlines slow the jets to 300mph as well?

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Since we might change the speed limit to 55mph, should we have our airlines slow the jets to 300mph as well?




  1. Wind resistance and energy consumption don't scale in the same way with a jet airplane as with an automobile, but I like where you're going with this.

  2. no u idiot!

  3. funny but in reality maybe they should ban flying because they use more gas then all the cars put together

  4. Do YOU want to be travelling the highway under one of those jets?        

    But another idea might be to reduce the frequency of flights as alot of those plane are flying half full of basically moving the pilot and stewardessess back and forth.  That is a waste.

  5. Some airlines already have slowed air speeds to decrease fuel consumption.

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