
Since what age you became a vegetarian/vegan?

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Me, 46, seem like a little bit too late. But I am glad I am a vegetarian now.




  1. I was raised vegetarian from my mother, so with 0 actually

    But with 27 I decided to become vegan, so I did and am very happy about that :)

    Oh and 46 is not to late, there is nothing like to late then it comes to a thing like that, it's just always amazing when people become vegetarians, not matter what age!

    You should just be proud about your decision :D

  2. as soon as I got away from my parents at 18..then went back and forth in my  twenty's..and back on track in my thirtys

    It can be a process..just keep at it, and don't have an all or nothing mind set.

  3. 46 isnt too late, it doesnt matter what age you are, just that you are making a difference.  Remember that every year a single vegetarian saves about 100 animals, so even if you are only vegetarian for a few years you are still making a difference.  I personally was a vegan from birth until i was four, and then my family decided that i should be able to eat meat. I became a vegetarian about two and a half years ago, and I am considering going vegan again.



  4. i became a vegetarian at 20. i saw PETA's documentary "Meet your Meat" (narrated by Alec Baldwin) and did a complete turnaround that very same day, and was never tempted by meat ever again. i still consider it one of the best decisions i've made in my life. :)

  5. i was 12. :D

  6. I am vegetarian from my birth and now I am touching 70 years without any kind of ailment simply cold has not bother me than what to talk of any serious ailment.

  7. Even I am glad that another human became vegetarian, I am a vegetarian from childhood. I will remain vegetarian during my lifetime.

  8. 12

  9. vegetairan since about 8

    vegan since 12

    its never too late :)

  10. By birth

  11. I am 12 now and i have been a vegetarian since i was 7 by choise so i have been a veg. for 5 years.  and no it is never ever to late to become a veg.  the more vegetraians the better i think.

  12. I was 16 when I went vegetarian and 37 when I went vegan.  I'm glad of both choices, though I wish I'd have gotten to veganism sooner.

  13. I was 18 when I became a vegetarian and 20 when I went vegan. I'm now 21. I became a vegetarian after witnessing what went on in factory farms and slaughterhouses first hand while making a documentary film for my freshman intro to film class (I'm a film student). After that, I could never even think about eating animals again!

    And don't worry, it's never too late to go veg!

  14. I am an anti vegetarian. Seriously. Since I quit eating plant based prducts in 2004 I am healthier and feel stronger. My doctor in the last two years gave me a clean bill of health. The reason I did this originally was I did not like having to kill or injure a defenseless plant , but now the health benefits keep the lifestyle going.

  15. Since I was 19. It's never too late to change your diet for the better- congratulations!

  16. 14-vegetarian


    its never too later :)

  17. age thirteen

  18. Hey kd3671 :) cool question!

    I became a Vegetarian when I was 14.. My mom and dad didn't support it but I still didn't eat meat whatsoever.

    I dont think its ever too late to become a Vegetarian :)

    Good luck becoming a vegan :) I wouldnt be able to do that, I love cheese too much lol

  19. Its not to late at least you did it

  20. i did it when i was 12

  21. Most people seem to think that just because you are a vegetarian that the only reason you are one is because you like animals to much, in some cases this is true but people have to remember some people just don't like meat and become a vegetarian.

    After all i don't see why people take the Micky out of vegetarians it just some ones preference.

    I have been vegetarian now  for 3-4 Years and I'm only 14..=)

  22. It doesnt seem too late at all. I stopped eating meat when I was about 12, and have been vegetarian for almost 20yrs, and the main thing I get bored of is people asking 'so what do you eat?'. They are nummers.

  23. I've been vegetarian since I was 17. Back then it was, "what's that mean" For the last 10 years I have been vegan. I have a wife that is vegetarian, mostly vegan, and a child that is vegan. We are happy together.

    It's about doing the best that you can. If you are happy about being vegetarian, how can it be to late? Do the research so that you are eating you you need and you'll be fine. Finally, get rid of the reading material in the restroom; vegetarians do not need that.

    Remember it's never to late to be happy about a change in your life.

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