
Since when did Congress become the "MORAL POLICE?"

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Don't they have BETTER things to worry about such as the economy and Bush's over reach of his "Executive Powers" than policing our actions? So, now will cell phones become contrabands also?




  1. this morning i woke up planning to post a question here--and maybe you know the answer--which is, "what is impeachable in GWB's presidency?"  

    and you wonder, based on your original question, why congress goes along with each bill that compromises our freedoms under the constitution.  i ask myself about congressional members:  did they ever read the constitution and are they truly representatives of their constituents?  for to be in the senate or house, they must swear their allegiance to we, the people, and to that "piece of paper" that promises us liberty, freedom and justice.  

    too, our government in its truest form shines forth as the one beacon of hope for all people truly, deeply inside of them, wish to live under the beneficial-to-all laws that the constitution (and bill of rights, the amendments to it that became actual law that the majority of people asked of their congressmen to vote in) affords to us.  

    so you ask, 'how is it that we allow the congress to ignore the very basic tenets of the constitution in enacting into law acts that remove the freedoms guaranteed in the constitution?'  it makes no sense.  

    additionally, congressmen seem not to even read the bills that come up for vote and some of them are too busy campaigning for a different office than the office they were entrusted by THE PEOPLE to work for, which is for us, for we, the people of this united states (which is in the process of falling to pieces).  i do wonder whatever happened to the bill presented last year that would force congressmen to READ every bill that they were to vote on...  i wonder if it passed.

    it feels as though the congressmen are more people that are guided by the media and by popular beliefs that may end up as not true, for they haven't been studied enough yet (for example, the panic on global warming that was actually caused by 11 years of powerful solar activity that warmed planets all the way to and including jupiter, and now has died down, making for both a cold pattern and also disproving al gore's premises--they have not been studied enough to be known as the truth).  and/or, for another instance, that because we were attacked on 9/11 and by enemies (kooks) that exist as american citizens (tim mcveigh), that there is just cause to police all of us, most of us being law-abiding citizens that would not lift a finger to bring harm to others for we love our freedom, and even if we do bear arms.  

    even in light of 9/11, the congressmen should take a good look at their behavior to determine whether they are living up to their promise to represent we, the citizens of the united states, or, do they represent pie in the sky "global governing" policies that we, the people of this united states, disagree with.  

    i personally think that most congressmen, who vote more on issues of policing us, their constituents, based on who lavishes them with presents such as trips to exotic places where they can play and not do much work (the summit on GW in bali, for example) and/or promises of providing them, and only they (not the people) of ever-lasting power and a continued way of life whereby they don't have to work, but yet gain all the perks and glory of being in congress, i.e., Big Business, should be hauled out of their offices by we, the people, and put into those old fashioned wooden stocks right in front of the washington monument while we, the people, pass down buckets of ice cold water to each and every one of us, the citizens that voted them into office to uphold our rights under the constitution, who are having our rights taken from us, to throw upon their foolish and disloyal heads.  

    there are no reasons that we need to be policed--what proof is there that we should be?  

    there is no reason to form an alliance with canada and mexico--many of the THOUGHTful people of the provinces of canada (a british government) and the countries south of our border (for example, the educated people of costa rica) are in disagreement with it--because the setup is actually meant to enhance the lives of our citizens, not theirs, when we already have the easiest life of the people on the face of this earth.  

    i could go on, but i feel that in fact, by the way our commander in chief and top executive, the president, is influencing congress (we have a three-pronged governmental style in order that no one person can make law that will hurt THE PEOPLE), that indeed, the constitution is becoming only a "piece of paper."  i feel that illegal laws are being enacted by the congress that is sworn to uphold the constitution put into place to protect US from having our freedoms stripped away from us in such a sneaky way:  because i feel that most of them are stupid and swayed not by what we, the people, want, but by what happens to be politically popular on any given day.  

    i taste a revolution brewing in our people.  i taste that the people will not stand by idly as more and more of our freedom is stripped away from us, but that means to revolt are strengthening government only to prevent a revolution to take back our constitution.  

    we had a chance recently to get a person worthy of the seat of president into office, and that was ron paul, but we blew it.  and that is a crying shame, since he seems to be the ONLY true american in congress.  i am ashamed of congress the way it is today, and i am embarrassed by how we, the people, do nothing to stop the congressmen from stripping us of our rights of safe harbor within our homes and on our person.  

    if we lose the way of life that the constitution affords us, it will be a very long and dangerous and ruthless revolution that the people will fight.  i am glad that i am not so far from going into the ground because i do not want this to happen, but i think it may happen.  and who will be hurt?  my family, my grandchildren, who are NOT being taught any respect of the constitution and even of our flag.  all they are taught is "tolerance" of what is popular today, so much tolerance that they will not stand up to be counted but will be as sheep when their rights are gone.

  2. Where have you been the last dozen years or so? As soon as the republicans came into power the witch hunts started. Remember the Terry Schaivo case or  Heather Wilson(r) New Mexico crying over the Janet Jackson "nipple gate".  I can agree with your observation of overreach though and a judge,the same one that sided with the W.H. on the cheney energy case, has ruled the the W.H.'s claim of executive

    privilege has no basis in law to support it's claim and can be held in contempt of congress. It appears the the curtains are finally being pulled back to reveal the scummy side of an administration run amuck.

  3. Bush isn't over reaching in his use of executive powers. He has every right to use them. You didn't object when Clinton used them, did you, or am I not supposed to point that out anymore? Congress, not Bush, destroyed the economy. A President doesn't control it. Let's remember, YOU voted those Democrats in to take over congress, not me.

  4. Ever since a major political party, which I will leave unnamed, decided that it was the governments responsibility to coddle and spoonfeed the American citizens with health, food, money, and now less 'annoying' plane rides.

    and a message to rukidding...

    Bush did not destroy this economy...he had a hand in it, but it was not all his fault...Besides, lets not forget who allowed this war to go on as well as PAY for it: Democratic controlled congress.

    And, some fyi, the economy is failing because the Federal Reserve keeps printing money without backing it up, making inflation is the fault of every politician in Washington who won't address the problem.

  5. It's the easy stuff they can handle..if you read the article..the people who made the case to congress..were congressman.

    Since kids are noisy and more annoying..ban kids.

  6. With some of the shenanigans going on with our wonderful politicians these days, none of them appear to be in any position to throw stones at others.

    Our government seems intent on being the policemen of the entire world, and the current administration is trying to bring "democracy" to Iraq and eliminating it in the good old USA.

    I find it both amusing and disgusting that all of the presidents try to "bring peace to the Middle East," when there never was, there isn't and there never will be peace possible among peoples who hate each other so much and have so much fun being destructive.

  7. That's a first I got caught with something I didn't know. Operation sudden impact.  Didn't hear about that one.  That is F*cked up though.  But not unexpected.

  8. Ever heard about "Check and Balance"? You should read more about it because it's not possible for a President to "over reach" his powers.

    And the economy? Blame it on Global Warming fiasco. Because the Congress demand the oil company to find an alternative source for fuel, farms are now producing corn for fuel rather than for food, which jacked up the price of food and oil.

    Our current Congress stinks, it a good example why Democrat should not have leadership position.

  9. Well I hate to say this again but nothing is going to change until we show the freaking politicians they are just the hired help and we are firing them. Vote for anyone who is not either a republican or a democrat.

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