
Since when did making more horsepower than the competition become unfair??

by Guest60560  |  earlier

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Didn't it use to be a good thing??




  1. It was not the fact that the Toyota's had more horsepower in the Nationwide Series that was unfair, it was the fact that NASCAR did not allow the other 3 manufacturers to use newer engines that were comparable to them.  Everybody can make bigger, more powerful engines but NASCAR puts limits on what they approve.  If they approve one engine that is noticeably stronger and don't allow the others to use something similar you have apparent favoritism.  Heck, do you think the 1967 season was very good?  I guess if you are Richard Petty's biggest fan you might.  His 27 wins were not because of his driving prowess but due to the fact that nobody had an approved engine that could keep up with the big hemi he got the exclusive use of.  I would hate to see NASCAR revert back to those dark days.

    3 STR8 N 08!!!

  2. NASCAR views it as Toyota trying to sneak extra horsepower in, giving them an advantage over the other three manufacturers.

  3. NASCAR approved an engine for Toyota in the Nationwide series that all the other makes claim was advanced. GM and Ford did not get their new engines approved which would equal the Toyotas. Dodge was very close to the Toyotas but they weren't winning and there are only a handful of them in that series. The 18 and 20 car were winning every week with multiple drivers including a rookie in his second race. NASCAR wants it to be a driver's sport and the Ford and GM drivers felt handicapped. Richard Childress and Jack Roush were the major opponents of Toyota having their engine approved in the first place.

  4. It is unfair because Toyota gets to use the same engine for all 3 series.  NASCAR wont let GM use the R07 engine for all 3 series.  They have repeatedly rejected Ford's new engines.  If GM was allowed to use the R07 engine in Nationwide it would be even with the Toyota.

    The Big 3 also need to use production based engines and parts for their engines.  It must be something that anyone can go purchase at their local dealership (minus the tuning obviously).  Toyota was allowed to use a purpose built race engine.  Can you buy one?  Nope its not for sale.

  5. Since people set up a whole new profile just to report a question that made the mad.  Whaaaa, whaaaa, whaaaa.

  6. It's not a bad thing. Just now NASCAR is looking at ways to try to even out the horsepower between makes. This is what they did in the late 80's when the Ford Thunderbird was more aerodynamic than the GM models. They gave GM makes changes to get the bodies a bit 'slicker' to be able to compete with the Ford. That became the downfall of from around 1990 or so on started to only slightly resemble the street version.

    As far as IROC was a 4 race series!!! Jay and his crew had to maintain a fleet of at least 14 cars for 12 drivers to beat the h**l out of. They lost sponsorship and could not find a replacement. It was a great series. I only hope something like it can return to the American racing scene someday.

  7. The France family and NASCAR have made NASCAR an IROC race. You've seen right here people have said NASCAR may as well go to crate engines, identical to what they did to IROC. Notice IROC is gone due to lack of creativity.

  8. NASCAR has always tried to keep the playing field level. It's just these newer fans that hasn't been around long can't seem to grasp the ideas that NASCAR has used all along.

  9. first, let me answer the question so i don't get violated again - i mean so my response doesn't get violated again...


    yes, having the highest dyno numbers used to be a badge of honor; now it is something to be hidden for fear of being branded with a scarlet letter (probably a "T" made out of two perpendicular rings). "winning the dyno" used to mean your engine builders and tuners did the best job and got the most out of their engine while staying within the guidelines set by nascar. now, "winning the dyno" means not getting a number back that's over the "acceptable threshold" for nascar (whatever that is) that determines when something needs to be done to "equalize the competition" or "level the playing field." sad really.

    now, OMG!!! and i don't use acronyms lightly!!! i just read all the answers on here and this section no longer deserves to be part of "yahoo answers," a place where people are supposed to be able to ask a question and get accurate (or at least reasonable) answers. i haven't read this much claptrap since i last picked up the national enquirer at the newstand a decade ago. does anybody here do any research? i take that back, some have their facts straight. but i'm curious, where the h**l did the rest get their "facts." and i don't mean "opinions" - everybody's entitled to their own. but to state something as fact, you should have something, even your own blog page, to fake backing it up. this is pathetic. the lack of understanding of what is really going on astounds me. people can't tell the difference between the nationwide series and the cup series, they can't see beyond their own "hate" and include people and things in their responses that have no place there, and my god this list could go on forever. maybe i should start a website forum called "here's what i think" that at least makes no pretense to being a place where one can expect intelligent answers to reasonable questions. i could probably make a mint but would have to spend 8 days a week moderating and fact-checking the thing, something many people here obviously have no time for...

    that's my $0.18.

  10. Ever since new fans like Mountain Dew fan, tregosteeve, stinky and others came into the sport and proclaimed themselves gods and goddesses of all things NASCAR. IROC is what they want and IROC is what they'll get

  11. so what you're saying is that all the manufacturers should do all the work and the teams don't do sh*t.  

  12. Ever since new fans like Mountain Dew fan, tregosteeve, stinky and others came into the sport and proclaimed themselves gods and goddesses of all things NASCAR. IROC is what they want and IROC is what they'll get


    NASCAR has always tried to keep the playing field level. It's just these newer fans that hasn't been around long can't seem to grasp the ideas that NASCAR has used all along.

  13. Used to when drivers won on the bigger tracks they would get out and thank their crew for extra horsepower to help them win. Can't do that now. I'm going to laugh when Jimmie Johnson comes back with the most horses and listen to tregosteevo explain that one!!

  14. When a foreign company started beating the local competition at their own game

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