
Since when did the Democrat party become the party of MORALITY?

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Dems are hammering Palin for her daughters underaged pregnancy...yet this is the same party of John Edwards and Bill Clinton?

Anyone else besides me having a good laugh over this nonsense?!




  1. Dems aren't trying to be moral, but they sure as h**l are going to point it out when the supposed "moral majority" are all just as big of lying, cheating hacks as they are.  

  2. This attack from the party of Foley, Vetters and Craig. Dems aren't hammering anything.Mostly its  the repub talking heads that started and continue hammering.

    The laugh is on the repubs this time.Careful your hypocrisy is showing. Or Palin's anyway.

  3. Unlike the republicans, the democrats never claimed to have a monopoly on morality.  Are you saying that because of the actions of Edwards and Clinton that NO democrat is moral?  You know that's ridiculous.

  4. Morality is far removed from the democratic party. Look at their presidential candidate. Just how many people across America can relate to Palin---just about every family out there. Palin talks the talk and walks the walk. She is one of the best political role models out there. When you look at what the Clintons have been involved in, both personally and the criminal scandals, this revelation about Palins daughter is insignificant and pales in comparison. They fear Palin. I have not come across one person who is not impressed with Sarahcuda and her record. McCain 08

  5. I've been asking myself that question since last Friday.  They've attacked her for anything and everything, including how many children she has, her downs syndrome baby, her looks and now of course the fact that her daughter is pregnant, something that could happen to any of us.  

    All of a sudden the hypocrites here are playing on moral issues and like you, I've truly had some great laughs.  The ones who jump into every question and spew their "reasoning", are the biggest hypocrites of all of them.  

    What else are they going to attack her on?  Experience?  Well, that certainly won't work when considering Obama's "experience".  He got into politics as a result of dirty Chicago politics and there you have it, that's his experience.  

    Oh well, I look at it this way.  Palin has taken the spotlight and Obama is groping for press coverage, which ain't happening.  The more they spout their nonsense, the less coverage he gets.  HA!

    It can't get much better than that since most families can relate to Palin and having pregnant teen daughters isn't new and shocking.  Of all people, these liberal hypocrites should be the first ones to acknowledge and realize this.

  6. Since republican senators were caught in s*x scandals by herds and republican priests were caught by herds in molesting minors.

    At least democrats do not try to stick their  moral values into your throat and then do an opposite. That is the highest moral.

  7. Mark Foley

    Larry Craig

    Ted Haggard

    Jim Bakker

    need I go on?

    edit: Why do I have more thumbs down? Because this site is filled with right wing wackaloons such as yourself, and the headline draws your ilk, like flies to sh*t.  Keep the thumbs down coming dum-dums.

  8. I can see the disgust you have with liberal hypocrites and the place to start combating these morons is in the PUBLIC schools.

    that is where they learn this "hate America" and every thing moral comes from in the first place.

    remember they didn't hammer Cheney's daughter because she is uuuggg,,,g*y.

    they hammered Lynn,and d**k for having her.

    these socialist minds are worse than an any drug could ever be.

  9. Since when did the Republican party become God? Just stirring sh*t up. I like McCain, but I don't like Palin. When it comes to politics, hypocrisy knows no bounds. F*ck the left and the right. They both get on my nerves.

  10. It is a joke.  The girl is 17 and pregnant.  There are thousands of teen girls who have had babies.  I agree, It's a hypocrisy for the Dems to attack her.  But wait, I forgot  Edwards only cheated on his wife with CANCER!  My Bad.  

  11. Dems always try to take the highground. No matter what. William

    Jefferson the Toon. Barney I can't believe the air is this fresh out of

    the closet Frank, John Ewards, Ready Teddy Kennedy, Now there

    is a fine piece of morality. JFK. RFK. And the list of the hits could

    just keep comin.

  12. It's not that she's's that her mother is so self righteous  about moral values.

    I"m saying that it's  not her daughter being pregnant that's the issue. . It's that the republicans spew their  their self righteous values  at everyone. They want to make laws for family values. You can't legislate family values. And you can't judge others.

    When it's a poor girl that's in this position the cons scream to get self contol.

    Why do I have more thumb down? Because there are more cons on the board at the moment.  Sorry, I never had any of your questions removed.  You have me mistaken for someone else or you're paronoid.

  13. We've always been the Party of Morality - you just missed it from being distracted with all the Republican pedophiles and political corruption.

  14. Over the weekend.


  16. There is no explanation for the hypocrisy of the the liberal left.  It just is and we aren't supposed to notice.

  17. Oddly, enough the Dem's seem to have a problem ( at least that is what these posts imply )with the fact that she supports abstinence only education and her daughter got pregnant.

    Well, how many other teen girls are pregnant right now that had not only knowledge of birth control but access to birth control at their schools?

    I'd say quite a few- you think?

    s*x education isn't teaching young girls responsibility with their bodies- Women have to make the choice to be responsible with their bodies on their own.

    I think attacking Mrs. Palin or her daughter at this junction just shows how low some people will stoop.

  18. "It's the hypocrisy, stupid".  Democrats are just having fun at Republican expense.  But seriously, Democrats are pretty moral.  Though not perfect, we have good ethics, very often good families, and care about the well being of fellow men.  

  19. It is exactly the opposite. Democrats seem to want the Security of being a huge intrusive Government. They seem to want the tyrany of tax slavery. They want the choice to commit immoral behavior. All you have to do to become moral is to change the definitions of words.

    Obama's speeches are full of wonderful sounding, lofty, idealistic, misleading, pablum. He calls for "change' and he promises "hope" ... Well, Hope never put groceries on the table and Change can be very bad (consider cancer) He can't change the laws of economics. He is constantly promising to tax the rich. All Taxation slows the economy. He can't change the laws of physics. There is a concept known as "Inertia" - "A body in motion tends to remain in motion, a body at rest tends to remain at rest unless forces are applied" This holds true with any body, even a body of people or a government. If he wants change, he will have to use force. Who will Obama use force on? How much force will Obama use? When will Obama stop using force? Where will Obama force us to go? What will Obama force us to do?

    Off the cuff, I would say whoever it is, that sets democrat policy is working for the father of all lies. That is the true leader and philosophy provider of the democrat party. He changes the meanings of words till evil is good and good is evil. want an example? The murdering of premature babies is called "the right to choose" It used to be, back in biblical days God killed the first born of unbelievers! Now, Women are doing it to their own first born! Want another example? Stealing from people under duress is called "paying your fair share of tax contributions" He promotes envy by using demagogues to call for more taxes on the rich. This slows the economy and causes more poverty.

    They are against all we traditionally hold as moral behavior and for all we traditionally hold as immoral behavior.

    They have never made any speech where they didn't promote more taxes on the rich. and Corporations. As if a corporation was a person. When corporations get taxed, they pass it on.Taxes are simply a cost of business. They make employees work harder for less. They make customers pay more for less. They make shareholders earn less on investments. The entity which promotes lies and envy, has people believing they are doing good by taking money that doesn't belong to them. In turn, they are reaping a harvest of poverty, misery and hopelessness. The Father of all lies laughs all the way to the soul bank

  20. No party can honestly claim the moral highground, although both try very hard to. There have been tons of Republican s*x scandals as well; Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, Larry Craig, Glenn Murphy, etc...

    I lean to the left but I hold no judgment on Bristol for getting pregnant, nor do I place any blame on Sarah Palin for her daughter's pregnancy. I actually feel sorry that this 17 year old girl in an already tough situation is being scrutinized on such a wide scale.

    What's an issue for me is that Governor Palin is an adamate supporter of abstinence only s*x education, and has pushed that issue hard in Alaska. It just goes to show  you the hypocrisy to implementing it on others, while it has been proven time and time again to not be effective. Abstinence only education doesn't work even in a family where it was taught, so there is no reason to even support it anymore.

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