
Since when does everyone it is ok to smoke pot?

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I am frustrated with people that think weed is ok. But all the people that have told me it isn't bad has been addicted to it before. The fact is that it kills brain cells and the general population is stupid enough already without it. Does anyone agree?




  1. People have been smoking weed for over 3000 years, the stigma around its use started in the 40's and 50's.  Anything can be an addiction, so weed isnt really inherently good or bad, but can be both. Alcohol kills many many many more brain cells and way more addictive that weed but no ones complaining about that, because its been deemed socially acceptable.  The reason the government has made weed illegal is because they can't tax it, if they could then you could probley buy it at the grocery store haha.  With all the more important problems in our society like poverty the main is addiction is greed, but no ones campaigning against that are they? I'm not advocating smoking pot because i think thats a personal decision, i'm just trying to provide a new more open minded perspective on the topic.  

  2. because everyone else does it, peer pressure and people think it doesnt do anything to you.. well look whos sayin it, dont they already have some screws loose anyway?

  3. Why do you think they get called pot heads?!!

    Marijuana potency has grown steeply over the past decade with serious implications for users with the average amount of THC having more than doubled.

    In the same period the number of admissions to psychiatric hospital caused by the drug soared by 85 per cent due to the fact that those who smoke the drug regularly are more than twice as likely to suffer illnesses such as schizophrenia, hallucinations and delusions later in life.

    Teens using marijuana to alleviate feelings of depression just compound the problem.

    As well as psychotic illness cannabis can cause affective disorders such as depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts.  Even worse it is linked to cancers.

    Cannabis users display neuropsychological dysfunction (relative frontal lobe functioning deficits, cognitive inhibition) and attentional deficits similar to those found in schizotypal or schizophrenia patients.

    Regular use can shrink the parts of the brain which control memory, emotion and aggression. The hippocampus, which is thought to govern emotion and memory averages 12 percent smaller and the amygdala, which has a part in controlling fear and aggression, 7 percent  smaller.  This suggests that heavy daily use may be toxic to human brain tissue.

    Blood flow velocity is significantly higher in users and they have higher values on the pulsatility index (PI), which measures the amount of resistance to blood flow. This is thought to be due to narrowing of the blood vessels that occurs when the circulation system's ability to regulate itself is impaired.  This leads to abnormalities in the small blood vessels in the brain.

    The active chemical in MJ called delta-9-tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC) binds to cannabinoid (CB) receptors located on several cell types in various organs.  This greatly increases the risk for heart attacks and strokes in addition to impaired learning and memory.

    It can also effect physical health.  Three to four cannabis cigarettes a day cause the same amount of damage to the lungs as 20 or more tobacco cigarettes a day. Thus there are rising levels of lung diseases such as emphysema.

    In comparison to cigarettes marijuana smoke has significantly higher levels of toxic compounds, including ammonia and hydrogen cyanide.    Ammonia levels are 20 times higher while hydrogen cyanide, nitric oxide and certain aromatic amines occurred at levels 3-5 times higher.

    It can also effect the unborn child. Scientists have identified that endogenous cannabinoids, molecules naturally produced by our brains are functionally similar to THC from cannabis and play significant roles in establishing how certain nerve cells connect to each other.  Maternal cannabis use allows THC to travel through the placenta and impair fetal brain development and impose life-long cognitive, social, and motor deficits in affected offspring.

    Low doses of Ä-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), equivalent to that in the bloodstream of an average marijuana smoker facilitate infection of skin cells and can cause these cells to turn into malignant sarcoma.

  4. Because now people are realizing that it ISN'T BAD FOR YOU.

    It DOES NOT kill brain cells.

    In the 1930's, when it was made illegal, the government spread a bunch of propaganda about marijuana.

    Read more about it here:

  5. It's not okay to abuse drugs, and that includes alcohol and tobacco and even coffee (I am a coffee abuser, I admit it).  But pot is relatively benign.  It certainly is a better 'social' or 'recreational' drug than alcohol.  Maybe it does kill brain cells but so does a beer.  We don't use more than 10% of our brain cells anyway.

    Look, I'm sure you know a few people who have ruined their lives with alcohol.  We all do.  But with as many as 30% of Americans having used pot on a non-experimental basis at one time or another, where are all the millions who have ruined their lives with pot?  I don't know any, do you?

  6. It's still smoking & still bad for you.

  7. Except as far as I know it doesn't kill brain cells. I'm frustrated with people who think it's OK too -- I mean, I just read a question from a kid who was *addicted* to it and desperate to stop -- it's hardly harmless. But the truth is, alcohol is a lot worse -- it really does destroy brain cells, particularly in teenagers. I see idiot teenagers talking about getting drunk and I want to shake them and show them the brain scans of teens who drink heavily -- their brain scan's look like an *old person's.* How repulsive is that? We're going to end up a nation of Dubyas.

  8. It is the continual spread of pro pot propaganda by people that want to belive it is not doing any damage to themselves, just like all most every fat person you meet will say they have a medical condition which forces them to sit on the couch all day eating deep fried lard.

  9. With everything, there comes a risk. Like weed - there are very few long term effects of it, and it isnt that bad for you. The  worst thing about it is that you have an increased chance of getting cancer.

    You shouldn't be so one sided about this topic though - in your question, you seem to claim that NO ONE should smoke pot, just because you said so - What makes your oppinion more valid then anothers?

    I think you should just not care about it - in reality there is alot of people that do drugs. Get used to it, get comfortable with it - but stay true to yourself. Kay?

  10. I'd say since around 1968 or so, give or take.

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