
Since when does the media have the duty to portray women in a way that they fit the changing roles of women?

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and are a represantation of todays women ?




  1. the media doesn't have a "duty" to do much of anything.  however, i thought it OUGHT to reflect what is really happening in society because everyone is quite aware that the average person or family compares themselves to those they see on TV/movies/etc.  additionally, people watch things that they relate to.  "leave it to beaver" wouldn't be nearly as successful now because that's not what the average family looks like, so ratings would decrease.  

    it depends on the show, but most of what we see if very innaccurate in terms of representing women.  shows like "ugly betty" which just recently debuted are groundbreaking because the star is not perfect.  most sitcoms today feature slob-like guys and beautiful sassy wives.  i think that's mostly because actors cannot look like average people, and as long as that exists the media cannot be entirely accurate in representing people.

  2. Isn't it funny...we criticize the media for so much, but then we hold them up to standards and responsibilities when it suits us...

    I have never looked to the media for much more than frivolity...and I certainly don't expect it to hold any moral responsibility.  It is a any other.  Just like Walmart sells Chinese products because they are cost effective and provide huge profit margins, the media sells what the masses want.  Plain and simple - economics, really.

  3. Since the media is controlled by our maniacal government and want to manipulate us! I am against modern day fascism and women's lib.

  4. I believe the media makes it their business to portray women in a way that's pleasing to women. for the most part, media is a vehicle for marketing various products to consumers and for the most part, consumers are women.

  5. The media has the duty to portray the truth.  Since women's roles are changing, the media must change its coverage accordingly.

  6. When you see on TV only scenes of women taking care of children, u enforce the idea that is a women's task, which is not true, because both, dads and moms has to be committed with that duty. So, is about to break schemes, although there's nothing wrong with mothers changing pampers, is good to see also parents doing the same.

  7. The media has a duty to portray reality, and the reality is that roles for women HAVE changed. If they only showed how things used to be, nobody would pay attention to them.

    EDIT: Sadly, the media isn't nearly as dutiful as it should be.

  8. As an artist, I don't think that any form of media has a duty to do anything other than provide information and/or entertainment. I should have the right to portray whatever viewpoint or idea I want. Not everything needs to have any kind of agenda, much less the exact same agenda.

  9. Since never.


    With all due respect Rio,

    When has any movie portrayed  reality?  :)


    If reality is what we seek, then why are men portrayed as fat, bumbling idiots?


    Libertad V

    So, media  enforces the idea  that a mans role is that of a fat, bumbling idiot?

  10. The media is usualy considered a reflection of the beliefs and values of a society

    As such it should represent the way society is or what an "ideal society" should be or challenge the way a society operates on some level

    For examples s*x in the City is just a portrayal of Irresponsible women acting like stereotypical irresponsible men since soicety is gravitating towards the destruction of gender roles and identity it would probably fit into the way "an ideal society should be" (IE people should have a choice to live this way)

    You can, and people do, argue against this being the best coarse for soceity

  11. Meh, its just a fad.

    The way i think of commercials and TV shows that show men as fat, bumbling idiots is the same way i think about ads and tv shows that objectify women, the people in the commercial signed up for it, so tough beans.

  12. since people are willing to soak up everything that the media puts out there as truth...

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