
Since when people who get bypass surgeries drop weight, they are left with extra/flabby skin...?

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How come this doesn't happen when somebody goes on a diet and loses 20 or thirty pounds of fat over several months?

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  1. Lose of to much weight to fast...

  2. Because the people who diet and exercise lose the weight the right way.

  3. This is due to the fact that when you are losing weight, your skin will shrink back because it is over a period of time. When people have gastric bypass surgery, however, then lose and immense amount of weight in a short period of time and their skin does not shrink back that rapidly.

  4. because there working out and there skin is decreasing as they work out, your losing a little weight at a time so ur skin can keep up. If you get surgery u lose a bunch of weight at one time and your skin can't keep up with that, so your left with alot of extra skin.

  5. A few reasons.  The older you get, the less elastic your skin is so the harder it is to bounce back to a smaller size.  Also, a lot of times with bypass people loose weight so quickly that the skin does not have time to bounce back.

  6. Weight tends to drop fast.  The amount of skin is usually a large amount.  Skin is elastic in nature.  It just doesn't spring back that much, extra skin needs to be removed.  

  7. When you lose weight from gastric bypass, it is extremely fast weight loss. Your skin doesn't have time to contract, whereas it does if you lose the weight slowly and with exercise. The exercise also tones your body, giving you a more smooth and toned look. With gastric bypass, you don't really have to exercise.  

  8. most people with bypass surgeries are extremely overweight, and with the rapid weight loss, their skin hasn't kept up... it is elastic, and after being stretched for so long, it sometimes doesn't bounce back right away, if ever.  As far as losing weight gradually, the skin has more time to "un-stretch" if you will, and the saggy skin is less noticeable.  However, even with gradual weight loss, there still can be saggy skin.  It all depends on the person's age, how long they were overweight, and the condition of the skin.

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