
Since when was time?

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i am having trouble fathoming when time started. what do you think?




  1. I imagine around the time pound, Celsius, liter and all other measurements came about.

  2. time has always been and will always be dats just that

  3. when the first tiniest spec of energy in the universe moved at the point of the big bang.


    if nothing moves there is no time.

    if there is no time nothing moves.

    if all parts of the universe could be stopped, from the tiniest to the hugest. time would stop.

    hard to do.

    but if everything, the whole universe, compressed into one ball, and the force of gravity would be great enough, then this could be achieved.

  4. It's an illusion. You can make up illusions "anytime".

  5. Time cannot exist without space. This is true because you cannot be at a certain time but at no space and you can not be at a certain place without being there at a time. Therefore, time ans pace have existed equally. Time is infinite and has always existed. Time and Space coexist at any given point. Ergo, time and space have always existed and will never cease to exist. As for the big bang, space would have existed before it but it is uncertain how much space and what was within that space.

  6. ...when time began...

  7. It is theorized that space and time are closely connected, so the time when "time" was started was when space has come into existence and that puts it right when the Big Bang has occurred.

    Or simply put, time started at the "beginning of time".
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