
Since when were Zetterberg and Gonchar "countrymen"?

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Mike Emmerick, from Port Huron , MI is a douche bag!!!




  1. "countrymen" means from the same country, they are both from russia, he said datsyuk and gonchar

  2. Haha, I heard that too.  Mike Emrick rarely, VERY rarely makes silly mistakes like that.  He's a very good announcer.  He really knows his stuff, but I think he was probably thinking of Datsyuk at the moment, rather than Zetterberg and he misspoke.

    There's a reason why he does all the NBC and Versus games, especially the Cup final.  He also did the Olympics games too, which proves he's definitely one of the best hockey announcers.  People make silly mistakes.  He rarely does.

  3. he said that? i thought he said that about datsyuk and gonchar.

  4. WHAT?

  5. haha i heard that too. mike emerik is a douche.

    where art thou gary thorne?!?!

    edit-nice to see the tigers finally hit. lol

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