
Singapoe road courtesy..are the drivers human or beast?

by Guest59449  |  earlier

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On 22/02/08, I WAS DRIVING ALONG THE AYE(TUAS)AND WAS ON THE LANE TO EXIT TO CLEMENTI AVE 6,there was this white van GP3660H, who cut into my lane without signalling and very near my car. I honked at the driver very long as I was trying to alert him but instead of slowing down, the driver jam break and I almost hit the van causing an accident. I changed lane to extreme left as I do not want to be driving behind the van as I am worried that the driver might jam break again. But when I passed by the van, i waved my hand signalling to him that he is in the wrong. The driver , a male, not happy and speed up to cut into my lane again and jam break his van again and almost caused a collision with my car and there was another car behind me.He came out of the van and scolded vulgarites and harsh words exchange between us. I told him if he not happy that I honked at him, we can call the traffic police and he just walk off telling me police cannot do anything to him and threatened me. He got into his van and drive off. My husband is very angry about the incident and we decided to lodge a police report. I find the driver rude and threatening people and I also find that he is inconsiderate and feels that the law cannot do anything to him. The traffic police should do something about this reckless driver. I have a few bad experience on the road as a driver and I feel that the van drivers are much worse than taxi drivers. At least, taxi drivers have the courtesy to signal before they cut into the lane but unlike van drivers, they don't signal and they speed on the road and don't care about other road users. I am really really upset over this matter with the inconsiderate driver.I hope other people do not face the same problem that I face with this male, chinese driver.




  1. From what I have read, they do not know and understand how to drive by the rules of the road.

  2. Road menace is a major problem in Singapore... and PENANG (Malaysia)! Road hogging, sudden braking, vulgar and threats, thugs, weaving, "cucuk" (pronounced as "Choo-Choke", i.e. closing up to your rear bumper and forcing you to go faster) case, driving on the wrong lane (especially on the oncoming lane), sudden cut-in and beating the traffic light! I was so used to the appropriate driving style in Kuala Lumpur, when I returned to Penang I nearly met an accident when a bus suddenly cut-in without signal! My Vehicle halted with a screech, drawing on-lookers from the roadside...

  3. some are and some are not.

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