
Singapore indian muslim.?

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singapore indian muslim seem don't have proper place to ask for help when needed. malay have mendaki, chinese have their club, indian have sinda. where to ask for help they are not malay but muslim and not hindu but indian. So i think it is indian muslim in singapore have to do something about it. i am indian muslim that can't speak indian only speak malay it do not make me a malay. We need to open ours own fund raising to help all singapore indian muslim community. indian muslim community contribute monthly other benefit it. islam in singapore is more to malay/islam

from the heart.




  1. indian muslims have tenkasi.  u can check with the malabar mosque in victoria street or other indian muslim mosques.  sinda does cater for indian muslims non-religious needs.  so if u hv problem with school or something outside islam, u can try sinda.  after all we r all indians and religion shldnt be the criteria to divide.  we shld try to see ourselves as one pple despite our religious beliefs. what type of help u need?  mendaki is different  and its racebased llike other selfhelp grps.  not religious.  so pl remember this

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