
Singapore teens behave inappropriately in public transports eg in MRT, Buses. Do you agree?

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Inappropriate behaviours of teens in SG: Occupying 2 seats when they only nid 1, behaving intimately(Kissing,Hugging) with each other, picking their noses, blasting their music, talking very loudly, use vulgarities, etc... This is a debate and i nid some pointers. Pls help me! Your kindness will be much appreciated. :D




  1. We all you included were young once

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    Of course somethings should be left to the private times together while others are habits even adults still have (you pick out which ones they are)

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    So when you or even I see someone doing something that is inappropriate for public viewing I tell them

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    Just last week a gentlemen who had an excessive weight problem was bending over  and the pair of jogging pants elastic wast band was not enough to keep them at the descent hip location and the crack was highly viable

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    I told the person and he thanked me tell me that he has had this problem with these pants and he is at the hospital as I was to tend to his daughter who was having a problem

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    And the other people sitting in the waiting room nodded in approval of my quiet conversation

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  2. You can take a look at stomp website of those commuters are inappropriate. You can click on the picture for enlarge,  you can read the report and the comments.

  3. They need a good swift boot where the sun don't shine, but that would be called abuse.

  4. I fully agree with you. They like to blast their music out loud and are a general nuisance to the other commuters.

  5. This is "normal" teen behavior.  And it is up to the adults to remind them there is a time and place for everything, and what you describe is inappropriate in public places.

    At least in Singapore there are enforced laws regarding inappropriate behavior.

    Are people still fined for chewing gum in public?

  6. well who actually defines appropriate? are the actions you listed deemed as inappropriate in countries like USA and Europe?

    to me, inappropriate is very subjective. what is OK to me is not OK to you. for example, in singapore, we are all happy that we are not allowed by law to possess a gun. simply mentioning 'ban on gun' to any american and he will think you are trying to chop off all his limbs.

  7. Like teens all across the globe...they just want the attention.  They behave inappropriately so that they will be noticed. This isn't rocket science-they just want to be relevant.

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