
Singapore will win the final in table tennis?

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Singapore will win the final in table tennis?




  1. The official explanation for the foreign talents scheme in sports is to created sparring partners for our own athletes and to improve the general standard of the sports here.

    Yet, it is a mockery of the scheme, when the foreign talents imported to be training and sparring partners became the competitors themselves! According to the Lianhe Zaobao reports: Li Jiawei came to Singapore in 1996 and got her citizenship in 1999; Wang Yuegu came in 2005 and got citizenship in 2007; and the star of this winning team, Feng Tianwei came to Singapore in 2007 and got citizenship in 2008!!!!

    So, it is amazing of the speed of gaining citizenship to play under Singapore's flag!

    Desperate for a medal after so much negative responses for such a scheme?

    I am not against new immigrants to Singapore because it is a fact that many Singaporeans have migrated elsewhere too.

    But, I hope to see those original Singapore athletes getting the chance and pride to represent the country soon. When I see those athletes who represented their native countries and came in amongst the lasts, I still feel proud of them.

    I think, only when these new citizens merged into our lives and continue to contribute as competitors, coaches, administrators, the foreign talents scheme will be accepted by most Singaporeans. But not the way (quick fix) it is happening now!

    I think China will win the table-tennis gold on Sunday! Gold China!

  2. Logically, it's almost definite that China takes the gold medal. After all, they have the top few players in their team, while Singapore only has the 6th, 7th and 9th player.

    However, the stress factor is on Singapore's side. If china loses, the whole country would start to blame and scold them. Whereas in Singapore, the expectation isn't as high. They have already made it to the finals and exceeded the aim of getting bronze medal. The fans are satisfied and relieved. They can just do their best without any additional pressure.

    Also, it depends on how they play the match. Li did win Guo and Wang before, and Feng seems to be in a good condition now. There's always a chance. I say it's not impossible to beat them. I'll be willing to believe that they can do it! Go Singapore!  

  3. Li Jia Wei came from China(Beijing),How come she could represent as Singaporean, she must taking part of their country competition,and not Singapore.Li Jia Wei goes back to her own country(China).

  4. No, I think that China will win the finals. Singapore will get a Silver medal, I'm quite sure of that.

    The players from the Singapore team are from China, but came to Singapore. They're ranked quite high with Li Jiawei at 6th, Wang at 7th and Feng Tianwei at 9th.

    But the China players are ranked the top few, and there is little chance for Singapore to defeat China as China is well-known for it's table tennis team. However, some of the Singapore players have beaten the China players before. For example, Li Jiawei has won the top player in a match before. It'll be a miracle if Singapore wins, but I'm willing to believe in that miracle (:

    But it's still quite a big achievement for Singapore to get 2nd! :D

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