
Singing Technique Question[important]?

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I have been searching for months for that technique Christina Aguilera uses In almost all of her songs and it make the song so much better when she or any other talented singer does it.

at 1:50 the thing that Pink does and at 2:33 what Christina does.

I want to be a singer so if you can help me in Indentifying that technique i'd be thankful :D




  1. if you're referring to the ooooooooh scale type thing that they're doing, I don't think it has an actual name. they're just going up and down a few notes (very smoothly) and quite quickly. Keep trying it, it's quite a modern technique, it just adds a bit extra to the song. Try it, eventually you'll find the way that works for you. If this isn't what you're referring to then you need to be a bit more specific.

  2. It's called Warbling. This happens when the singer can't hold the one note and decides to go through their entire range. It is very very annoying.  

  3. the Oohs and Yeahs are actually just ad-libs to put some touch on the song, usually the musical director will just instruct the singer that this is the pitch to be reached...there are no formal techniques here, you just reach the note and put some curl and style in it so that it wont sound too technical

    it's still best to stick to the old fashioned technique in singing, familiarize the notes and vocal placements, and if you know your voice enough and control it, you can simply just add some curls and thrills in your voice for maximum effect.

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