
Singing high notes feels weird HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, a few days ago, I learned how to sing high & powerful notes. And after a few hours I went to sleep, and the next day I awoke with a lot of mucus in my throat. And I've had that now for the past 3 days.

Singing now feels really weird unless I sing high & powerful. Why is that? And I have a lot of mucus in my throat which is holding me back & it's really annoying! But I clear my voice out. Before, it felt normal you know, to sing in a normal voice. But now when I try to sing like that, it feels...weak.

Why is that and has anyone else had that? I feel so out of placer when I sing now. Or do I have vocal nodules/other vocal problems? PLEASE HELP!

Ps; My sister has a sore throat idk if it contributes.




  1. that happens to me alot. i do alot of singing too so this is what i do:

    1)take a shower and sing in the shower. it like opens up my throat for me

    2) gurggle a glass of salt water. it does the same only for less work i guess

    hope this helps :)

  2. If you aren't using head tone, then you are hurting your throat in the process. Because there are two ways to get loud, high notes: screaming(basically shouting at a certain pitch) or head tone. If you feel awkward, try humming (drop your mouth a little, it projects better) and drop your head a little, and progress slowly up the keyboard. The prepares the throat nicely for singing in headtone if you hum in headtone, which is easier than singing.

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