
Single 18 year old UK girl moving to Saudi Arabia?

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Following on from my other question.

Most of the points people raised with regard to my moving to Saudi Arabia with my family do not worry me. I don’t drink, do drugs or drive. I am not overly ambitious but would like a job (maybe working with children). I am now single but I don’t understand why I wouldn’t be able to date over there. Is this because I’m British? What if I met a Saudi boy and fell in love. Do Saudi men not find British girls attractive or is it frowned upon for them to date girls that are not Muslim? I wouldn’t want to live there if I had to spend the rest of my life alone, how horrible. Although I don’t really agree with most of the restrictions women live with in this country I respect that they are there.

(more to follow)




  1. .....if you're a Muslim there will be no problem for you to attend family activities where you meet and mingle with saudi boys of your age and eventually fall for him like being madly inlove.....but if you're not a Muslim, then your chances are only for non-muslims boys in Saudi Arabia like any other expatriates living in this country....

  2. i think you shouldn't marry a saudi man coz if you have chlidren its gonna be a big proble by the way i think you drive a car there

  3. skeptical@

    wrong answer my friend..


    Dear Pooh Bear,

    I am a Saudi young man and i hope I can answer all your questoins..

    1- Do all female must fully cover themsilves like tent!!

    No, they don't have. It's better at least to wear Abaya but you can walk without covering the head and hair.

    2-Is it difficult to find a job? like for example teaching children english?

    No it's not, you'll have a great opportunity to teach english especially that you are an english native speaker.

    3-Can Muslim young men marry Christian women?

    Yes, in our religion (Islam) muslims can marry Christian or Jewish since they believe in God and his prophets, Abraham, Moses, Noah, Jesus and the other prophets.

    4-If a Christian women marry a muslim man, does he force her to convert to Islam?

    No, he cann't. It's forbidden to do that in Islam. She should choose her own path.

    5-Is it boring in Saudi Arabia?

    It depends in how you will benefit from your time. But yes, there are many activities you will not find it here in Saudi.

    6-Do Saudi young men find British girls attractive?

    In my opinion, I find all the world women attractive :P

    but the most attracted is the one I love.

    7-Do I advice you to come to Saudi Arabia?

    You are more than welcome here. But i would say it's better for you if you find a good College to continue your studies and get a degree like your great father. And it's your own decision at the end.

    I hope i cleared everything for you, and i wish you enjoy Saudi Arabia if you plan to move to here.

    Good luck

    :  )

  4. Well, Every one has his own view & the way of looking at the things. I completely disagree with the previous answer by someone. No religion is harmful for human beings if followed properly. I dont think that the Muslims treate their wives like slave or something like that. No way. I am very close to many muslims and I know how they really think and behave. Believe me most of them are the best ones to be with and they do respect females in real terms. In Saudi, Yes, its basically an islamic country and they do practice Islam strictly or even more. But it does not mean that they are bad. This is their way of living and thats it. Being a western there, u will have to and should respect their customs, traditions & faith. West has its own way of looking at the things and some new comer to the west should think whether the environment there suits them or not and then decide whether to live there or not. Same is the case with Muslim nations especially Saudi Arabia, they have their own traditions and believes and people going to Saudi should rather plan if they can fit in with them or not, instead of simply saying them bad. I personally visited KSA many times for business and never ever had any problem. They respect ladies more than anyone else.

    So, I can suggest u not to worry while going there but yet u have to respect their rules and dating openly is not seen as something good.

    Best of Luck

  5. Yes, Muslim men are quite happy to marry a Westerner.  They are always interested in aquiring more property.

    If you want to be a slave, marrying a Muslim man is probably the best way to go about it.

    Romantic?  You have foolish notions!

  6. erm. its not that that Saudi men dont like British girls.. Im sure they would love to date you..

    its Islam.. which forbids dating... So you living in Saudi wont ever (unless is secretive) find yourself going out on a date with a young Saudi man... This isnt done here.. Islam is serious about a man and womens relationship.. You dont do a trial run before marriage to test the waters.. Thats why there are arranged marriages.. (but you are allowed to meet a prospective partner and a sort of engagement period is agreed upon, then you can meet with this guy in an old fashioned sort of sense, with a chaperone to make sure no hanky panky.. if you get to know him totally and still want to marry, all goes well, but during this period if you find you are not suitable, you can part and no ones chastity is breached, the girl is still a "virgin" and everyone is happy (well somewhat happy, lol)... you get my drift.... .. There is no premarital s*x or dating for fun here.. So this is the reason the prior answers were given to you... As a young unmarried 18yr old girl.. you might not like the Saudi social scene for teens... You can however join and take part in any social event that takes place in the privacy of your living compound.. which some private western compounds have many social events to keep the residents happy.. and there might very well be other young western teens (boys even) that are living there with their parents also..

    You being non muslim has nothing to do with Saudi boys.. Islam allows muslim men to marry christian and jewish women also...  And contrary to what theyve said above.. Nowhere does it say the girl must convert.. The husband (muslim) is encouraged to try to talk to you about Islam and instruct you, but Islam has no compulsion, you cannot be forced.... ..

    Im just trying to be very honest with you.. As a western teen girl, you might find it terribly boring here...

  7. i am Jordanian and i live in ksa,u could date if u found a guy (no need to be Saudi)but as if he was a Muslim u wouldn't be able to kiss or have *** before getting married.i don't know if Saudi men find British girls unattractive,but for me oh!!i find British girls really attractive( Muslim guys can date and marry non Muslim girls but girls cant)even women in here don't agree with the restriction but what can the do ,they have no choice,its good that u don't drink cause its really bad for your health and brain.......if u wanted o work just try arranging it from Britain,before coming to Saudi Arabia...most of the Saudi have so much pride of themselves and think they r the best (but i can assure u most of them r the worse)but u will  also find some people from other nationalities who will treat u with respect and love,,,i just hope if u come to Saudi Arabia to have a happy life......i don't think that if u marry a Muslim u should convert to Islam and u wouldn't be a slave if he was really Muslim.......

    Hope i helped.......BTW(in which city r u going to live)

  8. oh pooh bear. you're so naive. yes muslim boys find british girls, or for that matter white women, very attractive. But marrying is a different ball game. they will marry you but you'll have to convert to islam and you'll be restricted in a lot of ways. It won't happen in most countries but in muslim countries, esp the likes of saudia it will happen.

  9. You seem a nice person, I've been to the UK many times and most people are nice and loving just like you, even my first impression on my first visit to London was "everybody was so unbelievably nice".

    Don't worry much about moving to Saudi, it's gonna be OK, I don't think you're gonna mingle a lot with Saudis, but rather with foreigners like you, you'll find many single men ready for dating.

    I've been living in Saudi for 4 years now, it's not a beautiful country especially if it's compared to UK, I mean I can't wait to go visit the restaurants in Piccadilly and convent streets, but as you said maybe you will love someone here then it's gonna be worth it.

    Good Luck!

  10. Iam sure there are loads of men from dif countries there and sum not strict muslims and u can always move again when ur older i wudn worry just focas on gtn a class tan!!

  11. Yes, Muslim men are quite happy to marry a Westerner. They are always interested in aquiring more property.

    If you want to be a slave, marrying a Muslim man is probably the best way to go about it. baby your under 18 nthats not 18 years old talking ...  muslims are great i have many muslim friends that are libral but not ------

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