
Single ARMY mom. Stay in the Army Guard or get out?

by Guest60959  |  earlier

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I had my first child March 2008. I am a veteran of the Iraq war. I was active Army for 6 years. Deployed to Korea, Germany, Kuwait, and Iraq. I have been out since 2004, but joined the Army guard just over a year ago. There are huge opportunities for me in the guard. I am now on active orders in the state. If I can get on full time here there is little chance of me deploying again. My baby's father isn't really in the picture. My mom helps out a lot. I am concerned with me being in the military and now being a mom. I work a 9-5 in the guard, but there is always the chance of going back. I don't want my boy growing up without a mommy, but I really don't enjoy college and LOVE the military. I guess I am a mother torn.




  1. I wish that there was a simple answer to this question but really there isn’t. I’m in the same situation right now. I have a son who just turned one and slated to deploy in February. I’m sure that there would be a way to fight my deployment but I’ve decided that if I am needed to go I will. I don’t know what situation you are in right now. But for me it I thought of it as he will be still young enough not to know what is really going on and my mom was unbelievably supportive to take care of him for that year. I thought it would be an awesome opportunity for me to save some much needed money and the tour will help me get a home loan that will give my son a nice home to grow up in. Ultimately while it will break my heart to be away from my son for the year it will be the best thing I can do for him to make sure he is well taken care of when I come home and he’s older. I will be able to even transfer my VA college benefits to him by the sounds of the new guidelines. I couldn’t pass all that up.

    From mother to mother whatever decision you make, make it the right one for you child. He will love you and be proud of you no matter what. Good luck and let me know what you decide.

    Best wishes to you and your family.  

  2. Make me a sammich!

  3. I think that you should stay in the guard, the work force is grim out their and you should keep the opportunity you have now. Lucky for you you have parents that share the world view that we are all in this together.

  4. Thats great that you love the military, but do you love your son more to get out?

  5. How exactly are you planning to support yourself and your little family in the event you leave the National Guard?  Is there some form of employment available to you that gives you the same level of pay, allowances and benefits as serving in the National Guard provides you?  These are the questions you really need to answer before you make any decisions.  From what you say, becoming full time Guard (Guard Reserve) gives you the safety net you're seeking so isn't that the direction you should be heading in?  You sound like a very intelligent individual, probably you would be very successful in whatever field you choose to go into in life, but are you truly prepared to give up on the six year investment you have all ready made?

    Best wishes to you and your son

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