
Single Mommys and daddys - where do you work? how many hours?

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Are you able to spend a lot of time with your kids?

Do you require government assistance??

Im just trying to figure out what to do myself... I i work at a pretty decent factory but am afraid if i continue ill NEVER see my child. As i work overnights and then want to sleep all day! How do you all handle it? Ideally Id like to get a lower hour job and just take a pay cut - spend more time with my child and figure the rest out later...





  1. I work for a family business.  I work the typical 40 hours a week.  (during the day, 8-4:30)  I get decent pay, and health insurance, so it is a blessing.  I too would love to spend more time with my daughter (now 4 yrs.) at home, but it's just not possible.  Me working full time is necessary.  She has a great sitter (a SAHM up the road from work), and the benefits are that she is more sociable and has had opportunities she never would have if I just stayed home with her.  The key is to make the most of the time you DO have together (although I do admit I need to work harder at that).  Providing for yourself and your child is just as important as being there for them in other ways.  I'm sure I qualify for all kinds of government assistance, but I'm doing just fine on my own.  We are not lacking in any way.

  2. I work for the local government.  And no, I don't require assistance.  I wouldn't qualify for it if I tried though, I make too much money.  I have taken my son's father to court for child support.  He refuses to pay it though, so we are going back to court soon so he can explain to the judge why he's not paying.  

    I can see where it would be hard to work at night and then try to be with your child during the day, when you would be on separate sleep schedules.  I'd advise to try to find a job that's during the daytime.

  3. I work 2 days (14 hours) one week, 3 days (21 hours) the next as a secretary so I get to spend a lot of time with my child.  I get working and child tax credit to top up my part time wage.  There isn't a great deal left after I've paid the mortgage, bills, food etc but I love having the free time to myself when my kid is at school as well as the time I get to spend with him after school or during the holidays.  

    If I worked full time I think I would be quite stressed at times and would be more tired and irritable if I had to come in from work every day and get all the housework done, feed my son and try to fit in time to spend with him.  

    I don't have a lot of money and it does get me down at times, but I really value the free time that I have and think that if you can afford to take a pay cut then seriously think about it.  There's more to life than work, and basically you just learn to live on the amount of money that you have.

  4. Aha!!!

    I worked the night shift for almost 6 years while my child was little. So i totally get you!

    Since I developed a good rep with my job, I got together with my super and asked about a day job position. He found me a day job, however, be willing to be flexible for a couple of weeks. For 2 weeks I worked splits so I could train for new position, and train my replacement. It was tuff but soooo worth it. I didnt even get a pay cut.

    Now i work 8:30 -5:30 m-f and my weekends belong to my little one.

    It can be done.

  5. I work for a Dr. I did require assistance before I got married, only with childcare and my sons medical insurance. I work a 9-5 job, when he was a baby I had my mom watch him and as he got older I had him in school and daycare. He is a well adjusted 10 year old. I do not feel that someone else raised him.

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