
Single Moms?

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I'm a single mother of a 9montth old baby boy,I'm 22 work full time and finishing up college.His father chose not to be part of his life.How can i raise him in a good healthy happy positive enviroment?




  1. hello =] im only 15 but my mothers mother was a single parent. Lots of kids with single parents turn to drugs and drinking at young ages ( because since there is only one parent the child is home alone alot )unless they are taught right ! My mom turned out okay and didnt drink untill 18

    and still hasnt done any drugs. Make sure you teach them right from wrong and that smoking,drinking and drugs are not good . I hope I helped even though I am only 15 hahaa

  2. That's a really hard question, and I'm in the same situation except my baby isn't born yet... college, work, and baby is tough!

    my mom was a single mom and she just did the best she could and gave us all the time she had. instead of vacuuming and doing laundry one week she would take me to the park that night or she would do as much school work with us as she could like reading her boring books aloud and things like that. she would teach us songs on the way to daycare... she was a really hard worker and now i look back and I'm amazed at what a selfless amazing mom i was blessed with!

    the tough years are only temporary! you can do this! i admire you for not giving up school and work!

  3. Teach him to be as hard working and loving as you are.

  4. That is a hard one but also not as hard as you think. You love him. You give him hugs and kisses as many as you can and he will let you. You make the best life for yourself and for him. If you are not happy with you, and who and where you are in life, then you are not able to give him 100%,  Do what you can do to make your life and his the best you can, and just love him. Let him know that he is loved. The rest will fall into place.

  5. Just do the best that you can do. Be there for him as much as you possibly can. My son's father isn't a part of his either. I'm 20 and I work two jobs and go to college so I can provide for the both of us. Good luck to you

  6. A single parent is far better for children than two that constantly argue or bicker. I was a single parent of two (I had my daughter when I was 18 and my son at 26. I was on my own until I married 9yrs ago when I was 44!! Apart from one incident with my son a few years ago, both of mine have turned out to become very loving and caring parents themselves. You cannot do more than be there for them, love them and teach them to treat others how you would want to be treated yourself. That is my phylosophy and I will always stick by it. Good luck to you and your family. x
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