
Single dad here and would like to request some help with my 14 yr old daughter. She is a sweet innocent thing?

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however since she switched to Junior High, I don't agree with some of the choices she has made as far as friends go.She pretty much has been as close to perfect as a parent would like their kids to be but that can change at anytime espeas she is becoming of age. I encourage her to participate and interact with people at school, home and church or wheever else as much as she can and give her the freedom to do quite a bit but at the same time relize I am no push over and want to raise her as best I can. The problem here is several parents have told me that some of their kids are hanging around these group of girls(2 who have dropped out of school at 13) who are known trouble makers at school and at the local hangouts(mainly the mall) and also been sexually active for years..2 make a long story short, my daughter has opened a separate yahoo email acct to communicate and is not aware I know. Basically as I parent I want to spy on her online activities.How do I find her password.HELP!




  1. I think you are in for a rude awakening.  Junior High is just the begining.  It is good to keep her involved with things but don't just think that church groups will be great.  Their are a lot of kids that go to church but are still wild.

    Good luck during the teen years.

  2. If she is so sweet and innocent, why is it that you can't trust her?  There is something wrong with this picture.  At some point you have to have enough faith in your daughter to make the right choices.  She will be exposed to drop outs, sexually active kids, drugs and every thing else in this world whether you violate her privacy or not. If she finds you have violated her privacy you can expect to lose all communication with her.  Take the high road Dad, all kids need to make their own mistakes.  You did, I did and yet we survive.

  3. First of all, 14 years old automatically makes her no longer sweet and innocent. She is going to want to make her own decisions now and that's scary. This is the age of secrets and lies. Install some spy ware on her computer if the e-mail is what you are worried about. Although she can check her account from anywhere and would probably notice if you were logging into her e-mail. I think the only thing you can do is show her the right path and guide her down it. Maybe now would be the time to help her find a female role model

  4. ur just overpretected

  5. Do you know her e-mail address password?  You could type in her screen name and hit Forgot Your Password?  They will ask you a question... Answer it correctly and they will e-mail her password to her...

    Or if your worried search for questions that she may have asked then go look at her profile>  what is her screen name for Yahoo answers?

  6. YUP sprout that can be done! i had to spy on my stepkid... she was using internet without supervision when away from my home... i used a fake myspace profile and contacted her as a 17 yr old guy... she took the bait and gave out her address and phone number. she fell for it quick, but 14 yr olds are a lot more savvy... try it but start slow... if you have a young man that's a friend/family that would work great too, unless you know the "kid lingo"... be ready for a shock tho.. and a quick "OMG dad it's only chat... i didn't MEAN it!"... then immediately move your computer into kitchen or living room, and password protect it so she can't get on without you hanging over her shoulder... then call her out about her new pals... if you just try to force her away from them she'll naturally seek them out more...  you might want to welcome them into your house for a visit with you present... they might be actually GOOD girls that have a bad home life or have other struggles... reach out to them, your daughter will love you for it and you may become a positive influence in their lives...

  7. Just talk to her about your concerns.

  8. Put the computer in a room where you are able to monitor her more closely, not in her bedroom.  You can password protect it so she can only go on when you boot it up.

    Another thing that is important is to keep channels of communication open.  You have every right to know where she will be after school, during summer break and who she will be going with.  You also have the right and responsibility to set limits such as what time she must be home, how often she must check in when she is out....the names and phone numbers of friends she will be with.

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