
Single father with ten year old girl who needs help with hair?

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Single father with ten year old girl ?

i am 26 year old single father with a 10y/o girl,. I just got my daughter and have no clue what to do with it. Her mother was not really concerned with her looks and so she doesn't really know how. my mom took her to get her hair cut( in some desperate attempt), she came back shoulder length hair and in the back it is shorter than the rest. The stylist had her hair in front straight with kind of a spike look in the back. no way i can recreate that i have tried disastrous results, the hair in the back has grown out a little bit, but we can not find a way to make it look "hip"for lack of a better word. any suggestions. I am not very good with the terms and i tried curling it a little but i can not make it look good or right. Please help. remember i have no clue when it comes to the terminology, i have checked other sites but they might as well be speaking french. help me make my daughter one of the cute girls with hot hair.




  1. try taking her 2 the hairdressers 2 get her hair washrd and  blowdried then get them 2 show ur daughter how 2 do it herself at 10 she should be pretty good at picking this up  

  2. you need help from a female who will talk with both of you to figure out what is easy and looks good.  At 10 years old, your daughter should be starting to take care of her own hair.  start off with something she can handle/

  3. Just let it grow long ,basic but cute.

  4. You'll have to get a straightener to straighten the front.

    You may need to just let the back go, and wait for it to grow out.

    It may look messy if you try and take gel to the back.

    If you give your daughter a good multi-vitamin that will make her hair grow very very quickly. It will look good but she may not be in love with her hair style. Maybe you should talk it over with the person who cut her hair and ask them to show you.  

  5. can you email me a pic of her hair so i can tell you what do with it? i would (and this is without seeing a picture)  take her back to another stylist and have them make her hair into one length without having the longer pieces in front.also is her hair straight or curly? i think the thing you are saying with the hair sticking out might be layers.i would say say just keep it simple and lots of hair accesories like clips and headbands.try something like this:

    i really hope this helps! feel free to email me anytime!

  6. Lol, I would suggest calling around to your local salons and telling them the situation. I am sure you can find someone who is willing to spend a little time showing you both how you can re-create that hot look. Most of those kind of hair styles will require a good straighting iron, even if her hair is straight. Also it will probably need some hair wax as well to keep the spiking look. But I would just start calling around, you said it is growing out now so it might be time to cut it again anyway, just make sure you go with her and ask questions. If you don't understand how to do the same hairstyle ask the stylist and ask her to help you do it once so you can re-do it later. Good luck!!!

  7. Theres this stuff called hair wax. you can take some it on your finger tips and rub it in an upward motion through the back of her hair and it will give it that spikey look the way the hair stylist did.

    hairspray might work too.

    or if your have a chi or something, just straighten it and leave it down.

    hope i helped.

    good look dad!


  8. Use hair wax if you want to make it look a little spiky. Hair wax comes in a short cylindar with a spin off cover. You could probably get this at walmart. take a little and with your fingers design the hair how you want it to look becuase the wax will hold it there. when you are done, you should hairspray the hair.

  9. well, i guess u could try to spike the back, and straighten the front. ive seen that kind of hairstyle done, n it usually looks very nice. did u ask the person who cut it how to do it? u could try that.

  10. Make her hair one length and then curl it or straight iron it! If it's layered, take her to the hair stylist place and tell them french braids! If it's not layered straight iron or curl like I said.


  11. This sounds like an angled bob. Check out this website for step by step styling tips and also enlightening ways to talk to your daughter's hairdresser:

    Hope this helps.

  12. I would suggest shirley temple curls which are tight spiral curls all around your head (maybe you can google it or ask someone exactly what that looks like) that style is always cute, girly, and fun. And can be done no matter if you have shoulder length hair or longer hair and youre hair doesn't have to be exactlky even  as far as her having "hot hair" let's leave that up to her teenage years.

    but this style can be done by a stylist or you (not if you don't feel confident enough to curl it yourself) but if you do just take a bunch of strands of hair together and rap it around the round curling iron several times and then let it sit for about 15 seconds, continue that until you've curled her whole head.Good luck, hope it helps  

  13. hmmmmm, try breading it to the sides like with two breads

    does she have bangs cause if she does you can have her back hair in a bony tail with the bangs in front it always looks cute..

    it all depends on what her face shape is etc. sorry, i really did try to help..

  14. Try shorter LAYERS

  15. go back to the stylist and just get it styled, watch and learn have them teach your daughter how to do it herself, a styling is cheaper then a cut and style as well. the most importent thing to do is have them teach her, same goes for her make up when she starts wearing it. take her to a merle norman or clinque counter in your mall let them help her chose they style and teach her how to do it

  16. well take her again to the stylist and ask to expalin how to do it.good luck.remember to use conditioner and a wide tooth comb to detangle after shower.

  17. Well, for a ten year old girl i would keep the hair shoulder length and maybe add some side bangs. And  also you might want to ask her what she wants too. because when it comes to hair and stuff, girls tend to have it their way! good luck!!

  18. first off. im sorry but your daughter is not an it.

    sorry that just bothered me. but once the hair in

    the back is shoulder length get it cut like this

    then have her wash it and brush it every morning or night..

    my hair looks like this & im about the same age as your

    daughter. also. at a rite aid. CVS target or anything

    they'd have cheap straighteners. if you end up

    getting a straightener get her a steam one

    NOT a medal one. medal ruins hair.

    hope this helped.!

  19. Recommended

  20. She got the Posh hairstyle (you know the "singer" who is married to the soccer player who is super hot)

    I am not really sure why a hairstylist would suggest a 10 year old get this look because to me it is for more of a 20 year old look maybe 30 or even older high school/college girl but 10 is sort of young in my opinion


    K, all you have to do is get a straightener, comb

    May I suggest the pink one or one that is this size ~ so much easier to work w/ and believe me it took me a long time to get really good at using it

    Just take sections of her hair and swipe thru her hair

    after spray w/ a product

    May I suggest

    Let her sort of play around w it as well she is getting to the age where you can supervise but she can sort of do some of the work

    Sorry I know it is rough

    My only other suggestion is to go to the stylist and ask her to show you how to style it ~ they won't mind giving you a short lesson  

  21. umm at 10 you don't have to do anything crazy. I suggest to leave it at something simple, of course, it all depends on what kind of hair she has right?

    but if she has basic straight hair, i'd suggest she just get a simple cut (at a salon) with simple layers and let it grow. leave it at something simple and when she's a teenager, she can decide on her own style for her hair :)

    try and keep the hair all the same length, or if she gets layers, just a little longer at the back. just tell salon person "layers, longer at the back, v-shape".

    that'll give her a simple and easy to work with hair cut that will look cute for a long time

  22. The *only* thing you can do, is go to a stylist and have her show you how to do it.  No one can give you a good step-by-step on line.  You could even film it with your digital camera!

    Good for you for trying, you get major points (with your daughter - she won't forget how hard you tried), a quick visit to the salon will be worth the $

  23. maybe you could try using a blow dryer to dry her hair. comb it as you dry. then use a bit of gel or hair spray in the back to spike it up?

  24. Hopefullly you never let your mother take her to get a hair cut again.

    Perhaps one alternative is to get like a bob cut.

    it is one length around the back and the sides, and the bangs are shorter (around the forehead area)

    But if is shoulder length on the sides,

    Shorter in the back,

    it is like a New Wave cut from back in the 80's

    (The go go girls used to wear it like that)

    The same with Pat Benetar the woman singer

    Just encourgage how good she looks, and play with the hair a little,

    it will grow out.

  25. i was in the same boat its a nightmare at first but youl soon get the hang of it, but i thort a bit of water on the hair wen your wanting to style it helps i also  got some straightners that helped when she had caveman hair of a school morning lol  

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