
Single mom looking for a job in a new area. Anywhere!

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I am a single mom with a 3 yr old daughter. I currently live in Utah but want a change. I want to get out. I was looking at moving to Texas or something. However, at this point anywhere new would be nice. I have worked in the Land Development/Construction business for about 4 years. Ranging from recepisonist to accounting, as well as customer service. For the last year I have been a Sales Agent (realtor) and helped out with Marketing. I love this line of work. But my ideal job would be to find a place that was kid friendly. By that I mean, I had a friend that worked for a company in NY that offered day care for all there employees in house. (I can't get a job there its stock broker stuff) I also had a friend that worked on a cruise ship for months at a time, and her son just went to day care during the day. Perfect set up. Not sure if that cruise line is still doing that. But that would be perfect. I am 23 years old and just want a change. Does anyone have any suggestions for me and/or advice????




  1. Well besides the job arena, what are your other criteria for where you wind up? Do you like winter? Do you want to be in a city? Big or small? Do you want to be coastal? Crime rate important? Just some other things to consider.  

    I think you'll be fine regarding employment and don't sell yourself short on the thought of a good. big company. They generally have more benefits than most.

    Good luck where ever you go.

  2. It can be really hard to get a job in one city when you're still living in another.  Save up as much as you can, like enough to pay all your bills for 3 months before you go.  There are very few employers that offer free daycare, so if I were you i would just look for a job that pays good and gives you benefits.

  3. Get on the internet, check out for jobs in the area you want to move at. Put in applications at temp agencies.

  4. Check to find out jobs in other areas.

    I live in UK so I dont know your area.

  5. Fisrt off, your wrong, you could get a job at a brokerage firm!

    Im a recruiting director & the head executive assistant of a major top producing firm- each of the reps. have a 'specialty' they deal in at our firm- one of them deals only with new construction deals/ property products. There is always something that he is researching, call to whole salers to looking into values of projects all over the US as well as keeping an eye to detail, and in order for the broker- you could really fit in!- don't sell yourself short, you sound like someone that could really learn and offer a different side to a business.

    I would suggest that before you pick and leave, get some things in order. Goto and build a killer resume, give as much information as you can about what you know how to do, what you have done, with examples and details, (like your accounting experience, if you did reports, entering data, what programs you can use...)-what you are willing to do and what you would like to learn to do. Take your time and pay attention to detail. The more you give, the more your name will pop up when someone is doing a search-

    Good luck, I really hope you get your dream job!

  6. Dallas is kid-friendly - not sure about daycare, the heat here can be dangerous ( but not as dangerous as lacking sense when picking out a daycare facility, or in lacking and shred of sense when being a daycare worker/driver - horrific

    >but< in terms of construction jobs - there sure are plenty here - the housing market is also still one of the best in the nation - not that you necessarily are going to buy a house, but that the real estate slump hasn't really gotten Dallas by the balls as it has other areas should indicate something

    and Dallas is really growing, even enough to impress me, and I'm not easily - it is becoming a bit more like Austin too which is a relief - for a while it was on a fulcrum that could have tipped it one way or the other - and it seems like has momentum in the better of the two directions

    also there seems to be a lot of options for living - I would guess you could live just about anywhere in this area with just about any income - it is not really segmented into class strata as much - I live about two blocks from probably a $50 million home and I rent a decent place (**** i need to mail rent), small, but convenient

    but apartment/Habitrail developments are going up everywhere - and pretty decent public train transport too providing hubs

    a couple options from the spectrum of housing here

    and not to mention - there are WAY more men here than women if you're still looking, and young single mothers here too so I'm sure you won't freak anyone out - cheap eats too - most things are relatively cheap here

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