
Single mom of two kids... how do I go back to school?

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So, I am wanting to move two hours away and attend community college in Kansas. I want to start my prereqs. for nursing... eveybody says there's tons of help for single moms, and I can't seem to find it. SRS will only help with daycare when I'm IN the actual program, HUD takes over a year... I have enough grant/scholorship money to pay for my schooling... it's the living expenses. Is there other help out there to help cover my bills? Childcare and rent are going to kill me! What about health insurance for myself? Open to ideas! Thanks!




  1. First off online IS an option... Obviously not for all of your schooling but you can start with online classes and get your general classes out of the way. most schools will have you do the general classes first anyways.... Then the next thing you can do is go up to the school and talk to someone in the financial aid section. As long as it is a good school there will be someone that would love to help you find options. Also look online... start searching the internet for answers... What you can also do is look into medicaid.... (not a forever thing, but long enough to get you through school and take care of your kids) even if you dont do medicaid you can always go up to the medicaid office and ask them if they know of any programs that could help you. (their job is to help the under priviledged, even if it means giving advice) they are usually great up there... very open to helping everyone... also there are a lot of website out there that have scholarships (you have to apply but its money just waiting for you to apply) you would not believe how many scholarships there are out there for single mothers... (i feel like i single mother most of the time because my husband is in the military and has been deployed more than he's been home, and trust me the army aint rich!!!!!!) you just really have to look.... dont give up... and like i said if you cant find anything go ask somebody!!! i hope i helped...

  2. Most students will use student loans to help with their living expenses.  Check with the school's financial aid office to determine your eligibility for the Stafford student loan.  Check to see if they will allow an adjustment in your educational costs for child care (this usually is not done automatically).

  3. fedreal student loan

  4. If you attend an in-state community college the amount of your tuition and books will be VERY cheap.  Like 1500 a semester.  3000 a year.

    Most single moms with 2 kids qualify for the max pell at 4,700 a year and the full Stafford loan at 7,500 or sometimes more.  That would give you around 10 grand to help with housing.

    I think you should consider attending in state so you'll have this money for housing rather than paying it in out-of-state tuition.  (Besides, you can get your prereqs anywhere).

    Consider moving in with family while you are in college.  This is what my mom did.... with her two little kids.

  5. Friends (If they are true they will almost always support you when they can), some schools have babysitting or daycare for students children, Ur parents, or Online school, that's all I got

  6. Here are some great websites that provide help to single mothers:

  7. Have you considered starting by using online or correspondence courses?  I took an education course recently where I was able to do all of the coursework at home and mail it in when I'm finished.  You'll need to be more self-directed this way, and make sure you find a legitimate program, but it could be a way to meet your initial needs.

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