
Single mommy really feeling the economy, needs help?

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I'm a younger mom of a almost 5 year old. i make decent money for my age and education level and considering where i live. but with the prices of everything going up i've really started stressing. i know there is help for people like me, i just don't know what. no i'm not talking about welfare and i don't want anything handed to me. but times are hard and i get no help from the dad. so are there any grants for single parents, or maybe ways to get discounts on clothes or things like that. i'm looking for anything. we are ok now, but i'm worried with the way things are going that we might not be soon

thank you




  1. I pormise you the dad can be found, and he is going to have to get a job. You should force him to help you. It is very hard to raise a child right now by yourself. (with prices going out the roof on everything) I do not think I could do it. Good Luck!

  2. thats a tough one, well, do you live in the US? what state? there are grants for you to go to college as a single parent, there are grants to help you pay for daycare (if it is needed this summer for example). but for clothes? no not really. at least not that i'm aware of. Though that is an interesting point. You could go to a local goodwill, they have pretty good clothes. Also, ebay sells cheap clothes in bunches so you can get a bunch of clothes at a low price. Something to consider.

  3. wow i feel for you... i have a 16 month old son but his father is there to help...wat state are you in they have food drives in my state where you can go and get food and they have clothes drives also help is out there if you need email me and i can try to help.....hope things work out honey...good luck and god bless

  4. I have been feeling the economy also as I lost my job and my 2 stepkids moved in. Of course, there mother doesn't think she should have to help out. I have been trying to find coupons online for things that I'm going to buy. As far as clothes, a lot of times I find nice things at Goodwill or Salvation Army. Also, some churches around here have a clothing drive before school to help parents. I have never went to one of those so I don't know what they have. I have been trying to buy things in bulk and freeze them and buy generic brands. I also check ads and ad match at walmart. Thankfully, my car gets great gas mileage but I have tried to cut down on my trips also.

  5. Hire an attny and FORCE help from the dad - his wages can be garnished, liens placed on his property, he owes you!

    I'm a 25yr old single mom of a 4yr old and a 2yr old. I know EXACTLY how u r feeling... Good Luck!

  6. I know what you are going threw , I am also a single mom, who doesn't want welfare but needs a little extra help, One thing I have found is once upon a child not only has baby clothes but kids up to size 18, they also will buy old clothes from you.  My children are a little older and I am really stressed about back to school, I just found out that our city has a back to school fair, were low income families can get alot of school supplies cheap or even free, they also offer school physicals, maybe you could look in to something like that if this is a need of yours I found out at our public library. hope this was helpful good luck!

  7. wow.....i do understand that the dad is not working. but dear its still u have the right to file for support. even he doesn't pay right now...the money that he supposed to give u will file up plus he will pay for the interest(seems like ur just investing money out of him).

    about u..... u don't know where he is........just call the child support agency they will help u to find long that u know his bday,last name and his middle me ur good to go.

    i'm a single mom.......but i never let the father of my son to run away w/his he pays me every 2wks.....its good cz it helps me a lot esp for my son needs...good luck

  8. Hi, I'm a single mom of a 5 year old boy and his dad is completely uninvolved- I've never received a dime of child support either. I sell my son's outgrown clothing and toys, etc on ebay to bring in some extra cash and shop for groceries at Aldi's or buy generic foods. I buy all of his clothing out of season- I've already got an entire fall/winter wardrobe for him. I bought everything at K-Mart and The Children's Place at the end of the season this last year for no more than $5 a piece. I don't know about grants or anything- I just try to shop as smart as I can and not waste money on anything we don't need. I also make such a small amount that I recently moved back in with my parents to avoid going on state assistance. (A last resort, of course but I think it was the right decision for us.) I plan to start school this fall so I can get a better job but until then I'll continue to do the things I mentioned above and save every penny I can. Hang in there, I know how tough it is!!

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