When I go to work she has the house to herself. Her brother (12) is there but has no control over her. She does what she wants when I go to work. Has boys over and smokes cigs and pot. I have no control over her. I'll be honest, she has actually hit me when I try to restrict her as in taking away t.v. stereo, and internet. I'm not afraid of her (although she does have a good punch) but I'm not allowed to hit back, and I am mentally unable to do more than spank as a physical punishment ( I cannot draw a fist at my own child). I go to work ( at night) she either has boys over or goes to their house after I leave. Her father is in jail and cannot help. I would prefer not to have authorties involved ...Juvie in Indiana cost over $100 per day (thanks for the help). They do not do overnight scares like I would like to do for her. She is heading down the wrong road and I can't get her turned around. I've even considered military or christian school but I can't afford.