
Single mother and daughter trying to buy a house..having problems?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike my dad left my mother, older sister and I when i was about 9, we are still in some debt bc he financially hurt us pretty mom works really hard and has always been the person who is the backbone and rock for many ppl..we found two houses that have alot of land with them..but all we want is the actual house...we are just above the poverty level by about 2 grand a year..also both houses need work...alot of work..but we are the type of people who fall in love with a house and try to restore it..give it life again..and make it a home.So,any advice or organizations that could help her..i just really want her to have a home in life..something that will always be about to go off to college in a year..and im scared to death to leave her...especially when she has always been there for me and i can't repay her...but if you have any ideas...on grants...ways to persuade the guy who owns the two houses...or organizations that could help us...plz let me know... :] thank u




  1. your story touch my heart not many kids like you around have you tried hud housing called section 8 in your city that will stir you ib the right direction to ownership of a home look in your yellow pages and if your mother is a first time home buyer its all kinds of grants for her go to the local banks and ask questions hope this helps

  2. Land Contract might be an option- but if you miss a payment you lose the house.  Also contact Habitat for Humanity they may be able to build a new home for your family which is better.  Also go to a lender and see what you need to do to get ready for a home.  I wish you all the luck.  Also contact the Chamber of Commerce in your city they may have some grant information.

  3. Has she checked with habitat for humanity? Maybe they have an office in your area. They do good things for people and get the community involved in the building process the way i hear it. May be worth looking into.

  4. You want someone to buy your mother a house?

    That would be you.    Go for it.

    They guy selling the house and land would have to pay to sub-divide his property and then would have to find someone just buying a lot for whatever zoning he has.     He is not likely to do this, as it is a very foolish move on his part.

    He has a family to feed as well.

    I am a single mother and can tell you from experiance that is not an excuse to decide against home ownership.    Many many women take another route and buy homes, your mother does not need  a man to do it.

    She made her choice, you should respect it, not everyone wants to own property.

  5. Home ownership is expensive even when the house is in good condition.  Old homes need lots of upkeep and that takes a lot of money.  More money than someone just above the proverty level can afford.

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