
Single mothers... who decided to raise child by themselves?

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If you think this is personal women don't answer.... did you want to raise your child on your own... or did you not have a choice?

when you found out you were pregnant... and you knew the father was not gonna be there... did you consider abortion or adoption... if so, what changed your mind? were you looked down upon by co-workers, friends and family? did your family eventually understand why you decide to raise child without a mate? do your child get a chance to see their other parent frequently? What did your family think when you told them you were pregnant and not getting married?

I was having a conversation about pregnancy and how they told their significant other and their families and also what happened during the pregnancy... and what made them decide that they would rather raise their child by themselves than with the boyfriend or significant other and I've notice with my friends ... who have children (which is most of them, except 3 friend and myself) decided to either raise the child on their own or found out that their childs father was on a different agenda or didnt want to take responsibility.... none of my friends with children thought about abortion but said that the significant others did..... when they told their family they were pregnant their parents were pissed and mind you most of my friends are now graduates of colleges... but I can say the ones with children are more responsibile and more mature than the ones without children




  1. Well , my mom is a single mother.

    She left my dad she said she didn't need him cause he didn't claim me at first.

    Our family doesn't really care about marriage.

    I haven't seen him in like 2 years. I really have nothing to do with him.

    No , she's not looked down by anyone they actually respect her and thinks she's an independent woman.

    And honestly , We're doing just fine , Her and I.


  2. you know.. i havent had a baby yet.. but it is very scary indeed to actually realize how stupid you've been.

  3. I have 2 children who are now 12 and 11. It was never my intention to raise them by myself. Me and their father were for 11 years but the relationship was never really good. I never considered abortion because i know i was strong enough to do it by myself if i had to. Sometimes i feel people do look down on me for having two children until they actually get to know me and my children and see that my life hasn't been wasted and my children are very well taken care of and very well behaved. My family really isn't too big on marriage so it didn't really bother anyone that we didn't stay together. Having kids has truly changed my life. Sometimes it is hard but when i look at my babies all of my fears melt away because i know i have so much work to do to raise them to be responsible adults.

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