
Single mum with 2 months baby staying in long will i have to stay?

by  |  earlier

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Hi everyone,

I was evicted from private flat, got severe depression, no family in UK, no good friends ( had four friends who all let me down after having baby!), last night council booked me a bed and breakfast for one night( was horrible and scary) and today after LONG day waiting for decision , i was sent to a hostle, it was a huge relief for me until the hostle manager told me that the average time people stay for is ONE YEAR! I almost fainted when i heard that. they have severe rules , but the one thing that will kill me is that i am not allowed to leave the pushchair downstair in the hallway, i have two choices : either leave it outside at my own risk , or carry it upstairs ( 8 kg and i got backache and really bad sciatic nerve pain) i came running here to ask is it true that i might be stuck there for one year? and if yes what do you think i should do about the pushchair?

Thanks in advance




  1. When my family and i were put into emergency housing we were told it could be as much as 18 months before we would be re-housed, obviously we could have found a private place but money didn't allow that unfortunately, it turned out we were actually there for 2 years before getting a permanent place.

    It's easy for people to say go back to your family or rent a private place but it's not always as simple as that, for instance family might not have room, might not be in the country any more....and not everyone can afford to rent a private place, especially with a young child to look after.

    All i can suggest about the pushchair is perhaps getting a smaller, lightweight one that would be easier to carry.

  2. To be honest it is highly possible that you could be there for a year as waiting lists for council houses are extremely high as they are in such demand. Because you are a single mother with a young baby you will probably be higher priority so it is also possible that you might get a home relatively quickly (how quickly relatively quickly is is anyone’s guess though). However, it is a waiting game. If I were you I would always bring the pushchair up to the room as you cannot really afford to loose it. Try and make friends at the hostel and ask anyone who is around if they wouldn’t mind giving you a hand upstairs with it. Hopefully there will be people willing to help you upstairs with it and forge friendships with you as you can all empathise with one another as you are all in similar situations! I wish you good luck with everything. Xx

  3. Hi

    I wouldnt worry, i've never heard of anyone having to wait that long.

    You'll get a council house in a few months at the most because you are homeless with a young baby.

    I really need a council house for my little family but because im in a relationship and my partner has a job then we aren't a priority. We have very little chance of ever geting one even though we are really struggeling with the rent.

    You will be better off then us in a few months time so just try to remember that.

    I personally think the council should only give houses to hard working people like us who dont earn enough money to afford a mortgage or private rent, because we will pay our way. Instead they give priority to people who are irresponsible and got themselves into trouble ie: druggies, underage pregnant girls. It's just not fair.

    Get someone at the hotel to give you a hand with the pushchair (which is a stroller or a buggy to the girl a few above)

    Oh and enjoy not woking and living off us tax payers money!

  4. always remember in life that you dont have friends and associates okay. second what tha h**l is a push chair but third of all what does your heart say and what do you feel, dont worry bout what you think at all cause its tha flesh of tha mind. where is ya baby daddy at?

  5. What do you want, you had a kid you can't support and now you're complaining about the place you've been given to stay?  No you're not stuck there, you can get your *** to working two or three jobs and get yourself and baby out of there!  I think you should realize you are where you are because of your poor choices and suck it up and stop complaining and DO SOMETHING to make your and your child's life better!  Get some exercise and bring the stroller up and deal with your back pain and STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT EVERYTHING!

  6. go back to your family or find a house to rent

  7. Well, I'm not an expert on UK rules, but I don't think you "have" to stay anywhere you don't want to stay.  I think it is available to you for that long -- if you need it.   As for the push chair (or stroller - for Americans) -- I wouldn't leave it outside.  If it is stolen, will you be able to replace it?   How much worse will your back problems be from carrying the baby everywhere you need to go than it will be from carrying the push chair upstairs?  You should be able to pull it up and not take all the weight on your back.  Be sure you are not bent over while you carry it --- that is harder on your back.  Also, consider making a friend there at the hostel, and ask them to help you.  I'm sure there are others who could use your help in return.

    Consider going back to wherever your family is -- They are your best source of love and assistance, and if you're still suffering from depression, DON'T leave it untreated.

  8. Sorry to hear about your problems - can the baby's father help you financially to get a place of your own?

    You need somewhere to live and if you have no friends, no money, no family - then you are in a pickle!

    You don't HAVE to stay in the hostel for a full year, but where else are you able to go - you should be thankful that the hostel is there and available for you and your baby.

  9. Get a doctors letter...about the deppression it will help you get a house....also remember that though it doesn't seem like is the BEST time to be stuck in a is too little to the time baby is bigger youll have a house! Ask if you can put some hooks on the wall in the hall andhang the pushchair high people do with bikes....the best of luck...youll be the .housing office every day and hassle them politely.

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