
Single people who have dogs: Is your dog your baby? I wanted a baby so badly and happened to get a dog now I ?

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am not craving a baby anymore. It's like the dog took the place of a baby.

I know it's not the exact same thing but I think I was craving to give love to a living thing and take care of it because of my nurturing instinct. :)




  1. One thing about having a dog is that it is like a baby all its life. It will always need someone to feed it, walk it, discipline it, and provide a place for it to live. It can never live independently as an adult or be able to earn a living.

    Unlike some of the people here, I do have children and they are vastly different from dogs. I'm not much of a baby person myself so I don't necessarily need something to care for. I like how my children are becoming independent adults and I enjoy being around them more than I did when they were little.

  2. so glad u found an outlet for ur nurturing instincts,but do remember if u do have a baby further down the track ur dog will still need love and attention.i have a small dog and she's my little friend , we go to the park and beach together and she comes with me to visit friends,she's good company and my little mate.u won't regret having a dog.

  3. i'm actually not single - but me and my fiance consider our pug our child (partly cause we don't want any ral children) but we also refer to her as our baby and i'm called momma and she is def a daddy's girl, you even mention the word daddy and she freaks out and starts looking for him!

  4. Yeah, an animal can take the place of a baby, especially if you're younger and not ready for a child yet. I've done that. It works well.

  5. Lol! I totally know what you mean! I wanted a baby so badly but I am not married and so it's not practical for me to have a baby but since I got my dog, I too am not craving a baby. I love taking care of my "baby" (dog).  

  6. You've got it figured out right. My dogs have always been my babies.

    Some people like to put up signs Beware Of Dog. Mine would read Bother my Dog and you Better Beware of Owner. You don't have to be single to feel this way. I loved my dogs just about as much as my kids.

    It is too bad they don't live as long as long as we do.  I have lost 6 dogs so far, and it just about killed me with each one. I cry sometimes and pray I will see them again in my next life.

    Nothing wrong with loving your little baby. It will be good practice and responsibility for when the real baby comes along. And don't worry you will love that baby just a little more than your baby who came first.  

    Enjoy the love. Treasure your dog. Nothing but family could be more important. Your dog is your family too. If you know someone who has recently had a miscarriage or lost someone, giving a puppy may be the best medicine for them.

    But make sure they like the idea before you buy. Some people like cats and yet some just don't like pets. I cannot understand the latter. I never will.

    My mom bought me a puppy when I broke up with my first love ( boyfriend) I was 14 and thought I was going to die for sure. I forgot his name about a week later. I was in love with my puppy.

  7. im still way to young to have a baby but my family just got a puppy and we call him our brother and we call him our baby so i would! so i bet you the dog did take the place of the baby!

  8. I call my dogs my 'fur babies' and tell my mom they are her grand I personally never wanted to have children, but I did have night time feedings, and instead of diapers I had wee-wee pads.  (and I think my potty training went a little easier than 'real' mothers!)

    Having had a co-worker who was having horrible depression and had been to 3 fertility doctor's trying to get pregnant (she was always in tears - it would break your heart) I told her she needed a puppy...she wouldn't have to save for a college education, but would get the immediate gratification and love (it's the only love you can 'buy') and have someone to care for when her husband was on business trips - she thought about it, and got a poodle puppy.  She is now the proud mother of two - a poodle and a yorkie...

    So, yes, they can definitely fill a spot in your heart (easily!!) that takes care of your nurturing instinct.  We just have to remember that they are dogs, and not 'babies' so that we do the right things by them, and don't just use them for our needs.

  9. I'm not "single", but I'm not married either.

    It's natural to want to nurture something. But remember that a dog is a dog, and should be treated as such. This doesn't mean treat the dog bad, the dog should be well-treated. But it should be treated like a dog, not a human.

    I call my dog my "baby-dog", but treat her appropriate for her species.


  10. Yeah I know where you are coming from, Im not single but my Dalmatian is still my baby and jealous like a kid too, I know this may sound crazy but when I talk to him I refer to myself and my boyfriend as "mommy & daddy" even though he cant quite understand what that means yet but hes catching on pretty quick. He's learning that when I say daddy's home he will run to the door and wait for my boyfruend to come in from work! He sleepd in the bed with us, goes where we go and if we cant take him I have someone to watch him. I can also ask if he want to go to his nan's house and he know that he is going to my boyfriends mom's house and he gets good treats over I know all this sounds cute now but Im going to have to stop treating him like a baby and let him be a dog, because if I dont its going to be a pain when he gets bigger, I can see it now having my 65+lb Dalmatian sleeping in the bed with us, he already gets jealous if my boyfriend touches me, he has to be the center of attention.

    This sounds fun to do but I know how it turns out in the long run ( I havd a Gremen Shephard that would had to suck a passy before bed nd drink from a bottle, and he only would food that you put in your mouth if he didnt see it going in your mouth he wouldnt eat it) so Im tring to break myself from doing this and its so hard but I know that I have to. Hope this helped you out!  

  11. In a way they are like my children that I'd do anything for. However, I expect them to behave in certain ways. They get top of the line food and live indoors and get all sorts of toys and they have never been physically punished, but they are militantly trained.

  12. I'm not sure I'd go as far as calling my dog my baby since I think it's best to think of them as dogs and treat them that way, but a dog certainly satisfies the urge many of us have to look after something. And it's good for us single people to have something to look after and consider besides ourselves, to have another living thing in the house when you come home, and to have a companion who's always available as company on a walk.

  13. This is actually becoming more and more common.

    As long as you meet the dogs needs, and remember that it IS a dog, it's fine.

    Remember, you can also take your nurturing instinct into a shelter and do good for lots and lots of dogs.

  14. dogs tend to become an important part of the family for most people. You are probably fullfilling your need to care for someone.  Just dont dress it in those fugly outfits and all will be well lol

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