
Single women how do you feel when people try to tell you how to raise your own child

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Does that make you mad? Or was the girl i was talking to just acting b***hy




  1. I'm not a single parent, but most of the time people don't like to be told what to do, especially if it involves something that they know really well (like their kid) and the person telling them doesn't. So even if it seems helpful and nice at the time, but it will bother them.  

  2. I have had many a person want to tell me something about raising any one of my children, but this is the best response I knew to give, is , I have my Mom who is advising me what to do, thanks anyway.

  3. 1st of all the people telling you how to raise your child are probably not a single parent, in that case, or even if they are single i would tell them not to tell me how to raise my child because they are not in my shoes doing it themselves,& i might also ask tyhem when they got their degree in child development, or psychology,& if you want their advice you will ask them for it.

  4. ppl always try to tell ppl how to raise there child single or not because they think it is better to raise them how they had raised there own kid(s) and think you should do the same. they may also do it because they feel they are smarter and know what they are talkin bout it makes every mother mad cuz its there kid so they should take care of them and nobody else should tell her how to do anything.

  5. Married but...

    I have friends that are single mothers and people do tell her how to raise her son. She is doing great and they are *******.

  6. it is hard when people tell u how to raise ur child because they are ur family and they are helpin u so u really do not wanna go against there wishes neither though u want to so yea its aggrivating when people tell u how to raise ur child dude trust me  

  7. Tell them to flick off and treat you nice and you know what your doing.

  8. it can be highly frustrating. if the woman talking to u is also a single parent in a similar situtaion it isnt as bad because its like shes giving u tools of the trade. if it is a married woman or someone without kids - they dont know wat its like to be in ur spot and each kid is different so it is very frustrating. but it goes back to "it's not what you say but how you say it" lol but that woman could of just being a B.

  9. HI...I too am married but at one time was a single parent with two boys.  The worse is when FAMILY tries to tell you how to raise your kids, especially certain family members who have never been parents themselves.  Hang in there and try not to let these people bring you down.  

  10. Takes a village, honey. sometimes people see things that you don't notice because you're so blinded by love

  11. Some people get overly defensive and take it too personal.  Just smile politely and go about your day.

  12. I am not a single mother BUT I still HATE it when people tell me how to raise my child or even when they tell them what to do when I am standing right there GRRRRRRRRRR

  13. It's really frustrating but I try to understand that they are probably just trying to help out.

  14. It is maddening. There is nothing more personal than one's children and criticizing how a mother handles them is a great offense. Even if you are just offering suggestions and trying to be genuinely helpful it often comes off as "I know more than you do about your own children and how would be better to raise them."

    I try not to give advice unless it is specifically requested, and greatly appreciate it when friends and family do the same for me.

  15. i am married and it aggravates me.  

  16. I am married now and my kids are grown, but when I was single and raising them on my own there was constantly family members and friends telling me how to do this and how to do that.  I just told them as nicely as  possible, " I haven't had any problem raising them my way, and if I do have a problem in the future  then maybe I will ask for your opinion. At that time they probably thought I was just as mean as they were, but I got my point across.  

  17. You're both retarded.  

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