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Do you believe in the concept of singularity? Could this ever happen? Could computers become self aware? Could (in theory) computers not only control the entire population of planet earth, but actually decide we are no longer necessarry and decide we need to go away? With ever increasing speeds of the doubling of computer tech and power many in science believe this could happen a lot sooner than we think. Whats your honest take on this subject? No B.S. guys.




  1. When you first think about it sounds like something out a scifi book.  But after a little thinking you realize that people being lazy by nature will invent the technology some time.  I don't think we are there yet, but close.  The machines can become smart enough, just a different kind of intelligence.  Even now they are making smart machines. With ever increasing CPU speeds they won't have to think like we do, most likely a set of programs running parallel in a quad or even octal based CPU.  Right not the Ram needed would be massive but that will come down to a reasonable size.  If you think about how fast we went from the XT 8600 to the Core Duo processor there is a good chance we will see the technology in our life time.  Just because they can do it doesn't mean they should.

  2. I believe it's more probable that, as we progressively begin to implant ourselves with cybernetic technology, that the lines between man, machine and cyborg will become blurred. A cyborg would have considerable advantages over both man and machine, but I think there might be a great deal of fear and mistrust between cyborgs and unaltered humans eventually.

  3. With my luck..I'd probably fall in love with one of them.

    OK nuff...who's gonna take care of them when they get "sick"?? They need us!!!

    Edit..HEY...This might be the way to find a PERFECT MAN!!

  4. Perhaps it's an old-fashioned mindset, but I still see computers as being able to do only what we program them to do.  I have been surprised before, so it wouldn't shock me if a computer were developed that had the appearance of intelligence and personality.  However, I can't seem to get past the problem of how an electronic device could be taught to synthesize ideas.

  5. Yes

    singularity is a fairly common

      fundamental math concept

    some are clearly evident in our present day social order

      and often involve some sort of second order feedback

    for example pretend some small group of

      severely retarded men get alot of guns

    pretty soon they discover that

      they can use these guns

       to get more money

        by sneaking up behind people

         and saying   "you owe me money"

          for any of a very wide variety

           number of artificial reasons

    so then they get more money

      they tell other retarded men

       who get guns and get more money

        those tell other retarded men

         who get more money and more guns

          moremoney for more guns

           on and on it goes until

        the entire continent is in

         a severe depression

          from lack of money

    the large number of morons with guns

      has dramatic effects on all aspects of society

       including imprisonment and demands of mormoney

        from all the leading home run hitters of our day

         from the fastest lady runner ever with lots of gold

          that the morons stole from her

       lots of beautiful young starlets have also

        been getting captured from behind by morons

         who hide underneath the red white and blue

          and been having to give away more money to morons

      the morons cannot be stopped

       they do not understand our language

        they come from canada and east germany

         they have the primitive instinctive need

          for mormoney for more guns for mormoney work

           and they believe they have been chosen by god

            to make up invasive hostile antihuman rules

             to apply to our society

              to get mormoney

               for more guns

    the country shall shortly be renamed to be


       where the government are all

        retarded men with guns

         and the countrys one word name above

          has a top secret two word decomposition

           into two two syllable words

            for timely and helpful explanation

            of many of the problems that

             americans face today

    if enough cryptographic supercomputers

      are applied to the single code word above

       the consequent two word decomposition

        into two adjacent two syllable words

         of the single given new word that

          is going to be the new name of america

       then the best and brightest intelligences in our nation

        will have some idea of what we are faced with

    somewhat facetiously yours


  6. they will never be able to think.

  7. With how our society is so dependent on technology, and that we step aside and let computers do most of our thinking for us, yeah, I'd say yes.
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